by editor | May 16, 2012 | Lead Story
Former 400m Commonwealth champion takes on 12 miles of earth, wind and fire as a member of Team Dyno-Rod
Former 400m Commonwealth Champion Iwan Thomas today takes part in the inaugural Tough Mudder event in the UK.
Sponsored by Dyno-Rod the drain’s experts, Tough Mudder UK sees the teams that enter the event run through water, wind and fire en route to the finish line. Tough Mudder events place an emphasis on teamwork rather than finishing times, and entrants are encouraged to help their fellow “Mudders” along the 12 mile, army-style assault course to build a spirit of camaraderie amongst competitors
Today’s debut event takes place at the Boughton House and Estate, outside Kettering in Northamptonshire with further UK events scheduled for Drumlanrig Castle, Scotland in July and the Cholmondeley Estate, Cheshire in November. Prospective participants and spectators can find out more by visiting the Dyno-Rod Tough Mudder Facebook page at:
The first Tough Mudder event was held in Pennsylvania in 2010 and the series has been so popular that events are currently scheduled to take place in the USA, Australia, Canada and the UK in 2012. Countries including France, Japan, South Africa, Sweden and Germany have also already expressed an interest in bringing Tough Mudder to their shores in 2013.
by editor | May 10, 2012 | Lifestyle
On her 50th wedding anniversary, a woman revealed the secret of her
long and happy marriage. She said, “On my wedding day, I decided to
make a list of ten of my husband’s faults which, for the sake of the
marriage, I would overlook.”
One of her guests asked her what some of the faults she chose to
overlook were. “To tell you the truth,” she replied, “I never did
get around to making that list. But whenever my husband did
something that made me hopping mad, I would say to myself, ‘Lucky
for him that’s one of the ten!’”
It’s nice to decide what to overlook. In relationships, I get plenty
of practice overlooking the foibles of other people. And I suspect
they get plenty of practice with me, too.
As they hung wallpaper together, one husband became frustrated with
his wife. She seemed, to him, to be indifferent about the quality of
her work. He felt she was doing a poor job. He finally put it into
words this way: “The problem is that I’m a perfectionist and you’re
“Exactly!” she replied. “That’s why you married me and I married
Miss Perfect certainly did one thing well. She knew how to overlook
annoying observations from her perfectionist husband.
We human beings are nothing if not flawed and imperfect. But, the
point is, people are not meant to without blemish. We’re scraped and
scarred, flawed on the inside and marred on outside. It’s just the
way we are. (Sometimes I think it’s one of our more endearing
qualities.) I never want to forget that “perfect” is only found in
the dictionary.
Even pottery may be closer to perfection than we humans, if Belleek
Pottery in Ireland is any example. I hear that every finished piece
there undergoes a final inspection. It is held up to a fierce,
bright light and examined for imperfections. If even the slightest
flaw is detected, the cup or plate or vase or sugar bowl is smashed
to pieces. That’s right. The blemished piece is never sold as a
“second.” If Belleek pottery is not flawless, it is reckoned to be
no good at all. No doubt other makers of fine china and crystal
operate the same way.
I surely cannot stand up to that kind of scrutiny. I have flaws I
haven’t even begun to explore yet.
How much pain prompted the words of that sensitive artist Vincent
van Gogh when he lamented, “I wish they would only take me as I am.”
How many times a day are those words repeated by countless people
feeling the sting of rejection? To be accepted as one is and not
discarded as useless is more than just a wish, it is a deep, human
All of us sport an invisible sign around our necks — “AS IS.” It
means, take me as I am. I may not become what you want me to be. And
I’m far, far from perfect. But I have some great qualities, too, as
well as my share of faults. You will have to take me “AS IS” and
I’ll take you that way, too.
AS IS will be the best guarantee any of us can offer. But quite
frankly, most of the time we’re getting a pretty good deal.
– Steve Goodier
Find Steve Goodier here:
by editor | May 10, 2012 | Lifestyle
Online dating… the whole concept sounds very exciting yet
There are people around the world who have done the online dating
thing, many of which were able to find their soulmates.
Most of us have dated at least offline, and some of us have dated
online. Either way, online dating can be a good experience for
each one of us – if we don’t let the bad outshine the good.
It has been said that risk is required to attain great reward.
And after having heard some of the stories about the online
dating experience, you just about have to concede that sometimes
online dating brings with it great risk. Well, everything in this
world involves some drawbacks and dangers with it and so does
online dating.
Where there are good people, there may also be bad people. It is
a risk we all take when we choose to socialize with others.
The greatest risk of online dating is that the person with whom
you are speaking is not who he or she says that they are. Of
course, that could happen in the real world of dating, but it is
not as prevelent as it is online.
The people who are faking their online identity fall into one of
three groups: lonely people, married people (sometimes also
lonely married people), and the criminal element.
Ladies, don’t think that a reference to the criminal element
only includes men who seek to harm women. More so, most of the
criminal element in the online dating world are those who are
looking for a mark for an identity fraud or money scam. Whether
you are a man or woman, you should be forewarned that if someone
starts asking for money to pay for some emergency expense, then
you are probably talking to a criminal involved in some sort of
money scam. You know, it might be different if you have met this
individual in person, but if you have never met them and they are
asking for money… BEWARE!
Faking an online identity on a dating website is not always
indicative of a fraudulent mind. When lonely, some people simply
create an online identity that might be more exciting and more
attractive to others. This kind of fake may not hurt you
physically or financially, but it may very well put a long-term
relationship on the rocks as the deceptions are discovered.
By far, the most common reason for faking an online dating
website identity is the ignorant spouse at home. He or she might
be a wretch, but being a wretch does not make them dangerous.
The online dating websites have gotten pretty good over the years
at setting up systems to identify and target the criminal
elements within the dating site. Typically, the male or female
criminal scammer will be identified and deleted from the dating
websites’ database within 24-48 hours. So, if you find yourself
talking to someone and their profile is shown to be deleted in
mid-sentence, you can usually rest assured that the online dating
site just saved you a world of headache and heartache.
While the dating websites are good at detecting and deleting the
criminal scammers from the dating community, the dating websites
are less inclined to eliminate the married members from their
database. However, some of the bigger dating websites have
provided mechanisms for members to prove that they are who they
say they are, for the purpose of giving the website a method to
tell its other members whether the individual has submitted proof
of identity to them or not. The married guys and gals usually
won’t go through the proof of identity process, for fear that
his or her significant other will find out about the attempt to
But before you go jumping to any conclusions about an individual
on an online dating website, keep in mind that many people simply
will not go through the identity verification process, for a
number of reasons:
1. Too much hassle;
2. It sometimes costs money; and
3. Some people are afraid to give private data to some unknown
third-party that might be operating the website.
The truth is that the online dating community should be treated
as a buyer-beware process. While most people who frequent the
online dating websites are honest, single and looking for love,
there are a few out there who are not.
If you gather a group of people in any single setting, whether it
is an online dating website, a church, or a grocery store, most
of the people you will find at that setting are good, honest,
hard-working people. So, when you are online, you should look at
the online dating experience as one where most people will be
above-board, honest, and sincere. But you should also keep in the
back of your mind that you do not know for sure what you are
getting until which time you are able to prove to yourself that
the person at the other end of the conversation is exactly who
you believe that they are.
When searching for that proof of sincerity, keep in mind that
lesson from our youth… Liars will never be able to keep their
lies straight, and they will always begin to make mistakes and
let the truth slip out.
At the end of the day, the online dating community is just one
more way for people to meet a potential love interest. It is a
way where you can meet people that you would not have been able
to meet otherwise, and who knows, it might work out to be the
best love connection you will ever make.
Lance Metzger writes about relationships, offline and online
dating. Our no-strings-attached dating site has become a popular
online adult dating destination, due to its large membership
base of people looking for relationships of all kinds. Learn
more at:
Consider Lance’s new Kindle book, “Making Memories: Creative
Dating Ideas”:
by editor | May 8, 2012 | Lifestyle
How To Create A Successful Professional Speaker Website
There are thousands of people who are or want to be professional speakers. You
have so much competition that you have to be creative in how to differentiate
yourself. One way of doing this is by making a great first impression with your
Speaker bureaus and meeting planners often book a speaker after looking at their
website so there is an expectation that a speaker website be sophisticated and
complete. Following is a list of what every speaker website must include:
* Home Page ? This page should have your best photo, your most impressive
testimonial and emphasize what makes you different from other speakers. What
can you offer that no one else can or what?s your unique angle or perspective?
* Biography ? Include all of your professional experience including what you
accomplished before you became a speaker.
* Services ? Even though you think that people can tell you are a speaker tell
them again anyway. Let them know if you offer keynotes, workshops,
facilitation, etc.
* Topics ? On this page less is more. Don’t try to offer a topic to please
everyone. Only offer topics within your specialty.
* Client List ? Include this even if your client list is short. You may include
both paid and unpaid engagements. Make note of clients with repeat engagements
to build your credibility.
* Testimonials ? Don’t hide these on a page on your site. Add them to every
page and ask clients for video testimonials whenever possible.
* Video ? If you want to get booked you need a video. Try calling local
organizations and offer to speak for free in return for bringing a camera crew.
Link to your video from every page of the site.
* Pictures ? You should offer both high resolution and low resolution head shots
for both web and print use.
* Logistics ? Let potential clients know how you travel and what technical
requirements you may have.
* Content ? Show off your expertise with free articles, a blog or regular social
media updates that stream to your website.
* Lead Capture ? Ask people to register for your e-zine or blog updates so you
can keep in touch.
* Social media ? Display all of your social media site icons with links to your
* Contact Information ? This should be on a page by itself with a contact form
and then on every page at the top or bottom.
This list is a great starting point to satisfy meeting planners and potential
clients but the most important point you should remember is to differentiate
yourself from the thousands of professional speakers who are competing for the
same speaking engagements as you.
© 2012. Davis Virtual Assistance. Reprints welcome so long as the article and
byline are reprinted intact with all links made live.
Bonnie Jo Davis is a Virtual Assistant who has been working with professional
speakers and other clients since 1995. She offers administrative,
organizational and marketing services to clients from all industries. For more
information visit http:
by editor | May 8, 2012 | Lifestyle
According to a Greek legend, in ancient Athens a man noticed the
great storyteller Aesop playing childish games with some little
boys. He laughed and jeered at Aesop, asking him why he wasted his
time in such frivolous activity.
Aesop responded by picking up a bow, loosening its string, and
placing it on the ground. Then he said to the critical man, “Now,
answer the riddle, if you can. Tell us what the unstrung bow
The man looked at it for several moments but had no idea what point
Aesop was trying to make. The moralist explained, “If you keep a bow
always bent, it will break eventually; but if you let it go slack, it will
more fit for use when you want it.”
So it is with us. Our minds and bodies are like the bow. When
constantly under pressures of everyday life, we can eventually
break. We need to loosen up; we need time to take the pressure off
and relax. For some, that may mean time off to rest and recreate.
For some, it may mean Sabbath. It is no wonder that observing the
Sabbath in Judeo-Christian tradition is a commandment, not a
Have you heard the funny story of the woman who needed a few days
off from work, but knew the boss wasn’t likely to give her leave?
She thought that maybe if she acted “crazy,” then he would tell her
to go home for a while. So, she hung upside-down from the ceiling
and made funny noises.
Her co-worker asked her what she was doing. She said that she was
pretending to be a light bulb so the boss might think she desperately
needed of a few days off.
Her plan worked beautifully. A few minutes later, the boss heard the
commotion and came into the office. “Oh, my!” he exclaimed. “What in
the world are you doing?” She explained that she was a light bulb
and he told her to go home immediately and rest for a few days.
As she walked out of the office, her co-worker followed close
behind. Their boss called, “And where do you think you’re going?”
“I’m going home, too,” she said. “I can’t work in the dark.”
I suppose we all have our ways of getting our needs met. And one of
the things we all need, especially those of us in stressful
environments, is real down time.
Former baseball pitcher Dutch Leonard might have put it a little
differently. He once said that the secret of great pitching is not
speed or the ability to throw curves. It’s the “change of pace.” The
average batter will soon learn to hit a pitcher who continually
throws the same kind of pitch. But it’s hard to hit against a
pitcher who changes the pace of delivery. That change of pace gives
a pitcher the edge over the best of batters.
A change of pace likewise gives us an edge in life. Taking time to
watch the clouds, enjoy a breeze, take a walk, read or just slow
down is necessary if we are to be our best later. And for me, a
regular day of rest is as important as regular sleep. It’s a way of
taking the pressure off.
To be my best, I need to be sure to change my pace. It is usually
just the change I need.
– Steve Goodier
Find Steve Goodier here:
by editor | May 5, 2012 | Lifestyle presents the launch of its, the premier online destination for real men’s style presents its biggest ever line up of footwear product and information.
What: The Shoe Library ?When: Friday May 4?Where: has compiled its largest-ever edit of men’s footwear for Summer 2012 to fill the shelves of its brand new, bigger-than-ever footwear department. ??Called The Shoe Library, this extensive collection of product and information is designed to bring you the key styles and best brands available in the menswear universe and all the knowledge and styling information you need to successfully shop for any occasion.??The line-up of product includes new brands from New Balance and Converse to the template-defining loafer label Bass Weejuns and heritage Brit brand Clarks Originals. London favourite b-Store injects its sleek trend-driven classics while summer ready retro styles come from Riviera’s and Fin’s hand-made suede moccasins. ??Exclusive products come from Superga, b-Store and Grenson while head of menswear buying Lee Douros has teamed up with Northampton traditionalists Tricker’s and Sanders to update their heritage rich styles.??Douros says: “I’m extremely excited about the addition of the Shoe Library to It is a real insight into the process of shoe-making and we have worked with some of the best brands to bring you exclusive styles to herald its launch.”
Visitors to the Shoe Library’s experience-rich design will be able to look up all the facts they need to know (and a few they don’t) in the extensive glossary, interact with the graphical examination of footwear anatomy, and answer their questions in the FAQ department. ??A Style Guide collates the key footwear solutions for a range of looks from trousers to chinos, smart and casual denim, shorts and sweats.??The my-wardrobe shoe library truly is an at a glance checklist of everything that goes into your shoes – apart from your feet that is. ??LAUNCHING TOMORROW FRIDAY MAY 4 @ MIDDAY
by editor | May 2, 2012 | Lifestyle

Would you like to take greater control of your energy prices? You could choose Go Fix 12 for peace of mind that your gas and electricity prices will be fixed until August 2013. Go Fix 12 is an online tariff, so you’d be able view your bills, set-up meter read reminders and register for our Energy Tracker via, whenever it suits you. Plus, pay for both fuels by Direct Debit continuously for 12 months you’ll receive a £100 annual Direct Debit discount. You can compare which npower product is most suitable for you in a few simple steps. So why not get a quote now.
by editor | Apr 29, 2012 | Lifestyle
One mother was jogging through the park, pushing two toddlers in a
stroller. As they approached a hill, she said, “OK, now I need you
to help me.” And they did! As she started up the hill, they each
said, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. . .”
Sometimes it just takes the desire to help and you can find a way.
One person known for his desire to help was Fiorello LaGuardia.
LaGuardia was mayor of New York City during the worst days of the
Great Depression and all of WWII. He was adored by many New Yorkers
who took to calling him the “Little Flower,” because of his name and
the fact that he was so short and always wore a carnation in his
In many ways, LaGuardia was bigger than life – he rode the New York
City fire trucks, raided city “speakeasies” with the police
department, took entire orphanages to baseball games and, when the
New York newspapers went on strike, he got on the radio and read the
Sunday funnies to the kids.
One bitterly cold night in January of 1935, the mayor turned up at a
night court that served the poorest ward of the city. LaGuardia
dismissed the judge for the evening and took over the bench himself.
Within a few minutes, a tattered old woman was brought before him,
charged with stealing a loaf of bread. She told LaGuardia that her
daughter’s husband had deserted her, her daughter was sick, and her
two grandchildren were starving.
But the shopkeeper, from whom the bread was stolen, refused to drop
the charges. “It’s a real bad neighborhood, Your Honor,” the man
told the mayor. “She’s got to be punished to teach other people
around here a lesson.”
LaGuardia sighed. He turned to the woman and said, “I’ve got to
punish you. The law makes no exceptions. Ten dollars or ten days in
jail.” But even as he pronounced sentence, the mayor was already
reaching into his pocket. He extracted a bill and tossed it into his
famous hat, saying, “Here is the ten dollar fine which I now remit;
and furthermore, I am going to fine everyone in this courtroom fifty
cents for living in a town where a person has to steal bread so that
her grandchildren can eat. Mr. Bailiff, collect the fines and give
them to the defendant.”
The following day, New York City newspapers reported that $47.50 was
turned over to a bewildered woman who had stolen a loaf of bread to
feed her starving grandchildren. Fifty cents of that amount was
contributed by the grocery store owner himself, while some seventy
petty criminals, people with traffic violations, and New York City
policemen, each of whom had just paid fifty cents for the privilege
of doing so, gave the mayor a standing ovation.
Sometimes it just takes the desire to help and you can find a way.
Someone beautifully said, “Sympathy sees and says, ‘I’m sorry.’
Compassion sees and says, ‘I’ll help.’” When we learn the
difference, we will make a difference.
– Steve Goodier
Find Steve Goodier here:
Newsletter: .
by editor | Apr 29, 2012 | Lifestyle
There is a wonderful urban legend circulating about a man who is
trying to land a job as an assistant professor in a university. His
application was rejected and he writes the following response:
*”Herbert A. Millington
Chair – Search Committee
412 A Clarkson Hall, Whitson University
College Hill, MA 34109*
Dear Professor Millington,*
Thank you for your letter of March 16. After careful
consideration, I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept
your refusal to offer me an assistant professor position in your
This year I have been particularly fortunate in receiving an
unusually large number of rejection letters. With such a varied
and promising field of candidates, it is impossible for me to
accept all refusals.*
Despite Whitson’s outstanding qualifications and previous
experience in rejecting applicants, I find that your rejection
does not meet my needs at this time. Therefore, I will assume the
position of assistant professor in your department this August. I
look forward to seeing you then.*
Best of luck in rejecting future applicants.*
Chris L. Jensen”*
If it is true that you can tell how big someone is by what it takes
to discourage that person, then this is a man who must be massive. I
might say the same thing about a boy who, in real life, was not so
big. But he was difficult to discourage and so he showed himself to
be a giant on the inside.
Some 40 years ago, when he was only 11 years old, Morgan Rowe lost
his left arm and much of the use of his right arm. It happened when
he fell off a tractor at his father’s fence company in Valdosta,
Georgia, and was dragged beneath the machine. Morgan’s left arm was
destroyed and his right, mangled.
Young Morgan was released from the hospital after three-and-a-half
months. The first thing he set out to do was to help pay the
bills — $30,000 worth. That was a lot of money back then as it is
now. For a boy of 11 to accomplish such a task, the situation seemed
For five years Morgan scoured roadsides picking up cans and bottles.
He collected thousands of cans and collected and sold newspapers. He
never gave up hope. First, he paid off the $455 ambulance bill. Then
he put $2,500 down on the hospital bill.
He was still a long way off though his parents raised another $9,000
toward the debt.
People began to hear about the injured boy and eventually some 2,000
donations poured in, totaling $25,000. The bill was paid in full!
Morgan set aside the additional money for future education.
What then? Though the bill was paid up, Morgan kept his projects
going to collect money for the hospital so he could help others.
Someone forgot to tell the boy he was too injured for that kind of
work. Someone forgot to tell him that the situation was hopeless.
Somehow young Morgan didn’t realize that an 11-year-old boy could
never pay off a hospital bill so large.
Church reformer Martin Luther once said, “Everything that is done in
the world is done by the hopeful.” And entertainer Dinah Shore
observed, “There are no hopeless situations – only people who are
hopeless about them.” Morgan Rowe should know.
I will not always be young and strong. My life circumstances can
change in an instant. My health may leave me and I may lose people
who are important in my life. But there are no hopeless situations.
So I won’t easily turn loose of my hopeful outlook, even when things
seem bleak. Without hope, I’m lost. But with it, I suspect that any
situation can be creatively redeemed.
– Steve Goodier
Find Steve Goodier here:
by editor | Apr 27, 2012 | Lifestyle
More electric cars come to the UK
Although they’ve been much discussed and anticipated, the number of practical EVs on the road has been fairly small. And with good reason, as the problems around finding a place to charge the EV battery, the range limitations and the lack of power and performance meant that the average driver might have liked the idealistic idea of owning an EV, but found the practicality not appealing enough.
Another problem thus far has been the expense. EVs don’t come cheap, but the prices are now set to come down quite a bit. The £5000 grant offered by the UK government to new owners of EVs or plug-in hybrid cars is one of the most appealing new car offers around, but even with that included, EVs are still expensive.
This year, Renault is introducing two EVs to the UK. The Renault Fluence will be available soon and will retail at £17,000 after the government credit. The Fluence will be far cheaper than two of its peers, the Nissan Leaf (£26,000) and the new Vauxhall Ampera (otherwise known as the Chevvy Volt in the States), which will cost around £30,000 after the government credit.
Renault has made the considerable price reduction possible by changing the model of ownership for the Fluence. Instead of buying the battery with the car, owners will instead lease the battery from a kind of swap shop scheme. When the battery needs replacing, they will simply exchange it for a new one. The cost of leasing the battery will be approximately £1,000 a year, according to mileage. The residual value of the car will be improved as the battery – one of the most expensive components in an EV – will never need to be replaced by any of its owners.
The other EV that Renault will introduce this year is the Zoe. This is a supermini that will go on sale in the autumn at £13,650. It has a 130 mile range – longer than any other EV on the road in the UK. Obviously, it’s not the most economical choice for a supermini, but considering it ticks the environmental box, it’s not a bad price.
So, 2012 may be the first year that we start to see a real increase in EV ownership in the UK.
by editor | Apr 24, 2012 | Lead Story
Award winning British Fashion Designer, Victoria Beckham,
and the Land Rover Design team, led by Gerry McGovern,
have collaborated to create the Range Rover Evoque Special Edition.
Featuring bespoke luxury and sporting details, the exclusively designed car will make its global debut in Beijing at an exclusive reveal event that will be streamed live online to a worldwide audience. The car will then be on display at the Beijing Auto Show, which runs from 25th April- 2nd May [press days 23rd – 24th April]
The first ever Land Rover to feature exclusive, hand-finished matt paint, the Special Edition will further extend the character of the Evoque through rose gold accents on the grille surround, badging and 20” gloss black forged alloy wheels. Inside, the 4 seat coupé will include soft, vintage-inspired leather seats with hand finished feature stitch, rose gold-plated accents and luxurious trim materials such as Grand black laquers and veneers, textured aluminium and mohair.
The Special Edition also comes complete with bespoke luxury accessories including a four- piece leather luggage set and hand-sewn leather wallet for the owner’s manual signed by Victoria Beckham.
Limited to a maximum of 200 vehicles to be sold worldwide, the Special Edition will be built at Halewood manufacturing facility in Liverpool and hand-finished by Land Rover’s Engineering to Order (ETO) division.
Deliveries for the Range Rover Evoque Special Edition will commence as early as October 2012.
by editor | Apr 18, 2012 | Lifestyle
You can find the full range of Charlie Browns Menswear at
Charlie Browns Menswear is a leading independent menswear chain that has been providing high fashion menswear for over 21 years.
Charlie Browns Menswear has built its reputation in providing the latest ‘on trend’ fashion labels at affordable prices.
Brands stocked include Armani Jeans, Boss, Bench, Claudio Lugli, Converse, Criminal Damage, Duck and Cover, Eto, Firetrap, Fred Perry, Gio Goi, Henleys, Jack & Jones, Lacoste, Money Clothing, Nicholas Deakins, Police 883, Stone Island, Voi Jeans to name a few.
Charlie Browns ranges are constantly changing as they strive to deliver the latest trends to the high street and on-line.
Through the Charlie Brown website they aim to provide an enjoyable shopping experience through excellent customer service in a secure and trusted environment.
Charlie Browns Menswear offer free delivery on all UK orders.
by editor | Apr 18, 2012 | Lifestyle
Fab UK Cottage Getaways
From Under £20 p.p A Night
16 Apr 12
New Forest Living features some fabulous holiday cottages starting at under £20 per person per night during May. For a group of chums seeking a stylish break away with every creature comfort and not a candlewick bed spread or old fashioned telly in sight. Think I pod docking, Wi Fi, flat screens, Jacuzzi tubs and more.
The Old Post Office at Emery Down, New Forest ; Sleeps 7 + doggie. Great village house, plenty of living space, linger with a sun downer and enjoy the great views across the valley. Lovely forest walks or just as far as the village pub, stroll down the footpath to Lyndhurst Village, great choice of restaurants.
May 2012 price guide
7 night week £925, just £18 p.p. per night
4 night mid week break £795, just £27 p.p per night
3 night weekend £795, just £37p.p. per night
More info view The Old Post Office
The Foresters Lodge at Bramshaw New Forest. Sleeps 8 + child. Featuring a huge Jacuzzi bath, garden games room with slate bed pool table, football table, table tennis + own kitchen for cooling the beers. Only five minutes to join the 100 miles of networked off road cycle tracks, watch the deer as you make the breakfast.
May 2012 price guide
7 night week £1115, just £19 p.p. per night
3 night weekend £895 just £37 p.p. per night
4 night mid week break £895 just £27 per night.
For more info view The Foresters Lodge
View our Spring blog :
by editor | Apr 18, 2012 | Lifestyle
Little Ones Can Make Waves
With Eurocamp’s ‘Learn To Swim’
16 Apr 12
This week (18-22 April) will see the nation’s top synchronised swimmers take to the water in their bid to quality for the world’s biggest sporting event – but while attention is turned to the crème de la crème of aquatic sports, parents of little ones will perhaps be thinking of encouraging their pre-schoolers take their first strokes. Leading operator Eurocamp has just the solution with its free Learn to Swim sessions, now available at 11 of its most toddler-friendly parcs across Europe.
Run in partnership with the Swimming Teachers’ Association, the lessons are ideal for safely introducing tots under five to the water; plus not only are they splashing good fun for children and parents alike, but with up to 25% off June breaks there’s never been a better time for families looking to take the plunge.
Seven nights in the Vendée, £341 (accommodation only)
Situated on the Atlantic coast, with the magnificent Merlin Plage beach just a short walk away and an impressive swimming pool complex at hand, Eurocamp’s Le Clarys-Plage is a lively parc with plenty going on for waterbabies of all ages, particularly those with little ones.
One of Eurocamp’s 26 Mini Fun Station parcs, which have been specially selected to provide the ultimate toddler holiday, as well as Learn to Swim, the parc offers a range of free toddler activities. These include Mini Fun Station club, accompanied play for those aged six months to five years, plus free Tumble Tots sessions, and Learn to Ride lessons to help get tots on two wheels through free sessions with trained couriers.
Meanwhile, to help lighten the load and ensure that those first family holidays are as easy and stress-free as possible, a host of free handy extras and safety features are also available in all accommodation, including high chairs, potties, baby baths, changing mats, safety gates and socket covers – all pre-bookable in advance.
A seven night break at Le Clarys-Plage arriving 15 June 2012 costs from £341 per party – a saving of £114 – staying in a 2 bedroom Horizon Midi mobile home (sleeps 7, maximum 4 adults), accommodation only.
Ferry crossings and fly-drive packages can be arranged through Eurocamp at a supplement.
For further information on Eurocamp, please call 0844 406 0552 or visit
by editor | Apr 18, 2012 | Lifestyle
CityPASS: Save Big on a Visit to Fun-loving,
Freewheeling San Francisco
16 Apr 12
San Francisco — San Francisco consistently dominates top travel lists around the world, including those for best U.S. city, best dining city, best walking town, most creative, happiest, and, well, the accolades and honors go on and on. And that’s no small feat, considering how many great cities there are in the U.S. But, then again, no other city can quite compare to San Francisco’s fun-loving, freewheeling, dance-to-my-own-beat élan.
And San Francisco CityPASS, which saves 48 percent on attraction admissions, makes planning a getaway to this perennial American favorite a breeze. In addition to a Muni and Cable Car 7-Day Passport, which lets visitors enjoy an unlimited number of rides on the city’s iconic cable cars, CityPASS covers prepaid admission to the California Academy of Sciences, a Blue & Gold Fleet Bay Cruise, Aquarium of the Bay and San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, as well as a choice between the Exploratorium and the de Young and Legion of Honor Fine Arts Museums.
2012 visitors won’t want to miss the California Academy of Sciences, the world’s first “Double Platinum” museum, as rated by the U.S. Green Building Council. Prepare to be moved when a major new Earthquake exhibit and planetarium show rumble into the museum on May 26. The exhibit will feature a walk-through model of the Earth, an enclosure for live baby ostriches (there are surprising connections between earthquakes and ostriches), an earthquake simulator designed to resemble one of San Francisco’s graceful Victorian homes, and lots more.
Another San Francisco must-see is the Golden Gate Bridge, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. For an up-close look at this historic landmark, catch a one-hour, narrated Blue & Gold Fleet Bay Cruise, which sails right under the bridge.
San Francisco CityPASS costs $69 for adults (a value of $132.90) and $39 for kids, 5-12 (value $83.90). Passes, which can be purchased online at or at any of the CityPASS attractions, are valid for nine consecutive days, beginning with the first day of use.
For 15 years, CityPASS has been the premier product for travelers who want to visit a destination’s top attractions while enjoying savings of up to 50 percent. CityPASS, which has a 99 percent customer approval rating, is also available for New York City, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Hollywood, Houston, Philadelphia, Seattle, Southern California and Toronto. Visit
by editor | Apr 17, 2012 | Lead Story
Seven Time Gold Medal Winning Paralympian
Sarah Storey Attributes Her Success To Her Circle of 5
Despite 37% of all UK adults thinking that their success is down to their own merits, over a third (38%) think it is mostly down to the core people in their life.
Sarah Storey, Paralympic cyclist and Links of London ambassador, believes that there are five core people in her life which have impacted and been invaluable to her progress in becoming a leading gold medal athlete. Sarah is supporting Links of London’s ‘Circle of 5’ campaign, which suggests we rely on a core group of 5 people to be successful.
Sarah Storey, seven times gold medal winner at the Paralympic games and twice British national track champion, commented: “Every successful person needs people behind them to drive them – I don’t know where I’d be without my friends, husband, trainers and parents. They push me to go that little bit further, inspire me and help me escape from it all when I need to. Without them I definitely wouldn’t have won my medals or be competing again this year.”
Dr Rob Yeung is a psychologist and researcher on success. Dr Yeung believes that the role each of the 5 people plays, falls into particular categories: Someone who inspires you, supports you, mentors you, someone you can escape with or confide in.
Dr Yeung said: “Many of us like to think that our own success is based on how we perform, but without valuable people in our lives – core people around us who support us – we may not achieve as much as we aspire to.”
Adding to this, the research commissioned by Links of London shows that 91% of all UK adults also look to family and friends, rather than famous people when finding role models.
Links of London are inviting the nation to recognise their own ‘circles of 5’ and to celebrate and reward these 5 important people with a talisman of unity and celebration. They have designed the Team GB band as part of their Official Jewellery Collection of London 2012 and Team GB. The Links of London ‘Circle of 5’ campaign encourages us to give the core 5 people in our lives a Team GB band as a thank you for aiding our successes. A red and blue woven band with a silver plaque engraved with Team GB, this band is a great way for you and your own ‘circle of 5’ to get behind the nation ahead of the Games and circulate a feeling of support and success.
by editor | Apr 17, 2012 | Lifestyle
Great ideas for summer events
The annual sales conference or team building away days are always great fun for everyone who takes part. It’s a chance for employees to let their hair down, break free from the office routine, yet it still allows for cooperation and working together in a different and interesting setting. People come back from these kinds of events renewed and refreshed, inspired and ready for new challenges at work.
There are, of course, numerous venues for hire for this kind of event. But, if you want to do something really different, it’s probably best to leave the details of the events to the experts – ie. get a professional company to organise your day for you. Of course, you’ll have input into what kind of theme you want the day based around, but why take on the headaches when it’s not your specialism?
Just to give you a few ideas of what’s out there, here are some of the more interesting themes we’ve come across.
Leaving the stuffiness of traditional conference venues behind you, why not make the company away day an ‘It’s a Knockout’ team builder. Remember the old TV show that even the Royal Family took part in, where people got to dress up in outrageous costumes, carry out a series of silly obstacle courses, and have a heap of fun at the same time? Companies can now do this kind of thing as a team building activity, and it’s proving really popular.
Another trip down memory lane is the School Sports Day team builder. You go back to the old favourites like the relay race, the egg and spoon, the high jump. Departments are mixed up and new teams are formed for the day’s activities. Oranges at half time!
And if you’ve got a boss who seems to hark back to his army days all the time, why not pick a Boot camp theme for the company team away day? Ex-soldiers are cashing in on their army experience and knowledge to design fun but exhausting team builder days for companies. You even get the camouflage and fatigues to wear for the day…
Of course, all these team builder events are outside – and therefore better planned for the summer – but if you have to have your away days in the winter, there are lots of indoor options on offer too.
by editor | Apr 15, 2012 | Lifestyle
I am told that the muscles of the face are capable of over 250,000
different combinations of expressions. And one of the most useful is
a smile. And though I’m a fan of kissing, I appreciate that smiling
is still one of the best things I can do with my lips.
Sometimes I hear or read something that is so true, I know I will
never forget it. One of those gems is an observation from Fulton J.
Sheen, who said, “A smile across the aisle of a bus in the morning
could save a suicide later in the day.” Over the years, I’ve come to
realize the magnitude and truth in that statement. People NEED the
healing medicine of the heart that just a smile, even from
strangers, provides. In fact, we all need it. And for some folks,
that medicine can save a life.
One psychiatrist puts it like this. Dr. Thomas Malone, of Atlanta,
Georgia, says, “In my practice at the Atlanta Psychiatric Clinic,
people sometimes ask me what psychiatry is all about. To me, the
answer is increasingly clear. Almost every emotional problem can be
summed up in one particular bit of behavior — it’s a person walking
around screaming, ‘For God’s sake, love me!’ Love me, that’s all. He
goes through a million different manipulations to get somebody to
love him.” (Thanks to Dr. James Moore for the quote.)
I think he says something I need to hear. He is saying that at the
core of our being is a need for someone to care. And if that itch is
not scratched, we go to great lengths to satisfy it.
But I’ve noticed something else, too. It appears to me that some of
the healthiest people around seem to spend less time trying to
scratch an itch to be loved, and more time looking for people to
reach out to. These are the ones who are most likely to smile across
the aisle of a bus. They understand that everyone is fighting some
kind of battle, even if they hide it well. And if they were to
express their personal life mission, it might include something
like, “I try to always love the people I encounter along life’s
They never say they can’t make a difference. They never say they
have nothing to contribute. They always know that, even if they have
nothing else, they can always give a smile, spontaneously and
sincerely. A smile may not seem like much, but it can be a warm
blanket on a cold night. And for a while, anyway, if can soothe the
itch to be loved.
My smile may not save a life, but it might save a day. And if not,
it’s still one of the best things I can do with my lips.
Find Steve Goodier here:
by editor | Apr 14, 2012 | Lifestyle
Renting out a furnished flat
If you were one of the many thousands of people who did a buy to let in the early 2000s and now have a flat sitting idle as there are just too many rental properties out there, the best thing you can do is get it let as quickly as possible.
If your flat has been vacant for a while, when others in the same area seem to get new tenants, there must be a reason. When did you last go round there and look at it with a stranger’s eyes? You may have decorated it really nicely a decade ago, but does it still look good, or is it tired and in need of a little TLC?
Potential tenants have so many places to choose from that they would be foolish not to choose the best decorated and cleanest flat that they see. And if they’re looking for a furnished flat, they won’t want to make do with somebody else’s cast off furniture.
Cast a critical eye over what you’ve got in your rental property, and if you find it hard to objective, ask someone who you trust to be candid. Anything that needs replacing should be binned rather than repaired. There is plenty of cheap furniture available today – there is a lot of competition amongst retailers and there’s always a sale on somewhere. Cheap furniture can still be reasonable quality. The important thing to remember when picking furniture for a rental flat is to choose robust items that will take a bit of wear and tear. Tenants can’t be guaranteed to treat the landlord’s furniture with kid gloves.
A leather sofa can be a good choice for a rental flat. They’re pretty hardwearing and retain their shape well. Any spills can be wiped up with a cloth and, unlike fabric sofas, they are less likely to get stained.
Once you’ve kitted out your flat with some new furniture, given it a spring clean and repainted it, you should find that a new tenant will snap the property up, meaning you can start to earn money from the place again.
by editor | Apr 14, 2012 | Lifestyle
Cinderella-budget beauty tips
Are you splashing out too much on serums? Or are you shocked at the price of your shampoo? Don’t worry; an effective daily beauty regime can be yours for very little cost. Check out DIY alternatives to expensive creams, serums and treatments, or find a supplier online who offers real value. Try not to be tempted by the beautiful packaging, celebrity endorsement and swanky ads that big brands use to lure you!
If you have a favourite brand and are a devotee of their products, the first money-saving step is to see if you can get them for less. When you see BOGOF offers, buy in bulk. Or make the most of your internet connection and head to Ebay, buy online using price comparison websites, looking out for voucher codes, and checking the company’s website. Brands like oil of olay, for example, usually have a club which is free to join; members often get samples sent through the post and are informed about special offers, as well as news about product releases.
For a viable alternative to shop-bought beauty aids, head no further than your kitchen. Use inexpensive store-cupboard ingredients and create homemade beauty preparations. These will save you buying expensive branded products and you will not be forking out extra for the fact that they are natural, contain no harmful additives and smell good enough to eat (this isn’t recommended, however!). Many tips can be found online at websites like
You may also find that you can make your beauty products go a little further by watering them down. If your shampoo bottle is half-full, try adding some water and shaking the bottle to mix it together; you’ll get a product that lasts longer but gives virtually the same results. This can be applied to liquid soap, and shower gel, too. Lastly, if you get given a beauty product as a gift or freebie and it’s something you won’t use, sell it on Ebay and use the money for a more useful product; don’t clutter up your dressing table with products that do nothing but gather dust!
by editor | Apr 7, 2012 | Lifestyle
How To Avoid Holiday Snap
Cringe – Hairstylist Errol
Douglas MBE Shares Hair
And Photo Advice
26 Mar 12
Despite a holiday being the time when we’re at our most tanned, relaxed, dressed (or undressed), there’s that familiar sinking feeling that we don’t quite look as hot in the snap as we felt when we posed for it! It’s a cliché for a reason – because it’s often true: Disappointment with how we look in our holiday snaps.
Top hairstylist Errol Douglas MBE , with over 3 decades working with A list celebrities and on session styling shoots with the likes of Rankin and Andrew O’Toole, suggests the solution is in adopting a few simple on location haircare habits and a couple of tricks when taking the actual picture. ”The common hair mistakes we make when travelling are exposing hair to sea salt and UVA” says Douglas ” When we pose for shots in bright sunshine or at restaurants at night, we fall victim to a potentially unflattering device – the flash. Both are easy to correct, anyone can look as hot as they feel in their snaps with a few simple changes” Hot holiday hair starts, Douglas advises, with:
1. PRE DEPARTURE PREPARATION: Before travelling, if you’re going to have a colour, do it at least two weeks before leaving. The sun naturally “lifts the colour” leaving it looking washed out. Douglas recommends a salon Illuminating Colour Gloss by Matrix: “It ensures not just colour but a healthy shine pre-flight”
2. ON LOCATION PROTECTION: Salt, great on food not on hair. Tie it back and use a protective spray in and out of the water. With a centre parting it’s very SS12 catwalk. Good products for sun protection, avoidance of pool chlorine build-up and moisture infusing include: Biolage Sunsorials range by Matrix, Morrocan Oil Intense Hydrating Mask & Kevin Murphy “Born Again” Mask
3. SUN AND SAND FRIENDLY STYLING: For long hair on the beach, ask your stylist how to create a twist up bun or a Fishtail French Plait – both prepare hair for the evening and protect excellently. Additionally, be careful of sand, it’s corrosive, and for anyone with a scalp issue it’ll aggravate.
4. FRIZZ FREEDOM: For tropical and humid destinations, there are lots of products on the market that can prevent hair from frizzing and add weight. Pack them – they’re a passport to evening glamour and better snaps. Try: Sleek by Matrix, Moroccan Oil Frizz Control or Treatment Oil Light
5. SEEK GLOSS OVER GREASE: Hair looking lank in the pictures when it felt soft in the flesh? That’s a sign of over active sebaceous glands. Not confined to shiny face, over stimulating the follicles on the scalp in hot climates by washing out sea water with hot water leads to greasy locks. Wash hair in cool water and preening to a minimum, it’ll allow follicles to rest and lie smooth.
6. ON TREND AND ON LOCATION: For a great catwalk to boardwalk/day to night look, Douglas suggests a reveal of the up do from the day “When you take out the braid it leaves a great red carpet wave with great movement evening glamour”
And to the snaps: for doing holiday hair efforts justice without turning the whole affair into a long shoot, Douglas suggests just two quick and simple tips:
MOVE IT: Shoot the person from different angles. 3 simple clicks of centre, left and right gives a surprisingly different image and choice. LET IT MOVE: Avoid overuse of product in the hair, it’ll look more attractive with natural movement SUNSETS ARE SEXY: Dusk offers a very flattering light for the face, refreshed, rested and back lit GET FLASH RULES RIGHT – OFF AT NIGHT, ON IN THE DAY (YES THAT’S RIGHT): Flash indoors produces harsh, cold light and is the most common cause of unattractive “red eye”- it feels counterintuitive but switch it off. Similarly, daytime outdoors is where the flash is your friend, eliminating shadows and diluting the contrats that create unattractive facial shadows.
Douglas advises his clients to consult his quick checklist when packing to ensure that bad hair doesn’t eclipse holiday outfit choices:
· A wide toothed comb
· A great shampoo and conditioner with a strong UVA component (don’t rely on those provided at the hotel)
· A mousse or oil to combat a drying atmosphere
· A cool Alice band – simple but a suprisingly dramatic look changer
· A scarf – covers a multitude of sea, sun and sand sins for old school glamour
by editor | Apr 7, 2012 | Lifestyle
Clay & Herbs – New Natural
Skincare Range Launched
23 Mar 12
Patricia Ferguson – Medical Herbalist BSc (Hons) CPP launches her own range of natural skincare products, Clay & Herbs using only pure Argiletz Clays, Zeolite, herbs and essential oils. The feedback from clients has been brilliant. Professional make up artist Emma Carevlle says, “I tried the face scrub and the body scrub – comparable to Dermalogica’s Daily Microfoliant, which I love.”
Fiona McBride from Glasgow says, “Normally these types of masks are too strong for my skin and cause redness and itching. This one was gentle yet effective. It was easy to use and mix and left my skin really smooth. The next day blemishes were gone or diminished and my teenage daughter also tried it and found same.”
Shae Duncan South London says, ”Patricia has helped me significantly with my acne problem. I used her Purifying Acne Masque once a week for a month and have noticed not only has my acne dramatically, reduced, but my skin feels softer and has a healthy glow. The masque is very easy to use and very gentle. I like the way it goes hard on your face but then it is very easy to wash off with warm water. I will most definitely be continuing my use with this product and all of the products Patricia has recommended for my skin, they all seem to be working.”
How Clay & Herbs Products Benefit your Skin:
100% natural ingredients
High mineral content of clay nourishes, balances, protects and revitalizes skin
Superior absorption to remove impurities, excess oil, dirt and pollutants
Rebalances and corrects excess oil production when used regularly; especially beneficial for acne-prone skin
Refines the texture of the skin and improves tone
Exfoliates, smoothes and softens the skin
Revitalises and stimulates, bringing radiance to a dull complexion
Founder Patricia Ferguson explains, “My products are made from dry ingredients and so I do not need to use preservatives, natural or otherwise. Other ready-to-use wet products are more difficult to preserve long term, as bacterial growth will be an issue.”
Patricia advises that the French clays she uses are among the best on the market today. They are living, active clays, sun-dried for optimum results and containing a myriad of minerals and trace elements. Their purity is also guaranteed, having conformed to strict European legislation. Zeolite is able to absorb 3 times as much as clay. It is even being investigated by the pharmaceutical companies and holistic practitioners for its potential use in neutralising cancerous tumours.
Zeolite’s ability to remove toxic wastes, chemicals and bacteria also make it a useful addition for detox and acne treatments. Zeolite has been added to enhance the action of the products.. There are two types of zeolite used in Clay & Herb products, Crystalite Pink and Crystalite Gold. The gold variety is the more absorbent of the two. Zeolite is used in all products. Essential oils are concentrated, aromatic compounds extracted from plants by steam or water distillation. They have medicinal and cosmetic properties which enhance the action of the products.
Clay & Herbs products are a blend of:
Superior quality, pure cosmetic French Argiletz clays, each clay having affinity with a certain skin type
Carefully selected organic and wild-crafted herbs
Zeolite – a unique mineral with an exceptional ability to absorb and remove impurities
Essential oils
There are currently four products in the range:
Purifying Acne Masque
Gentle Facial Scrub
Exfoliating Body Scrub
Peppermint Pumice Hand & Foot Scrub
Herbs used in our Products and their Benefits:
Marshmallow Root & Slippery elm – Softens, revitalizes and hydrates. Draws impurities from the skin. Has soothing, anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Controls oily skin and soothes allergic reactions.
Chamomile – Its healing properties are used in dermatitis, eczema, acne and rashes. Treats sensitive, dry and inflamed skin.
Peppermint – Has a cooling effect on the skin.
Aromatic Waters – We recommend for use with our products, a range of plant-based, therapeutic distilled aromatic waters to mix with the clays before use to further enhance their actions. A 30ml bottle is provided free of charge with every first purchase.
Product Aromatic water – Purifying Acne Masque: Chamomile & Marigold.
Gentle Facial Scrub : Rose Geranium & Lavender
Exfoliating Body Scrub: Marigold
Peppermint Pumice: Peppermint
by editor | Apr 7, 2012 | Lifestyle
OGARIO London Hair
Care – Made In The UK
20 Mar 12
This summer, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and 2012 Olympics will capture the world’s imagination with a spotlight on all things British.
Luxury haircare range OGARIO London is proud to support the UK economy and small businesses, choosing a family-run company on the south coast of England to manufacture their products.
They are made in an eco-friendly, sustainably built factory using natural energy sources. All packaging is recyclable and, where possible, uses paper made from 100 per cent sustainable forests.
The range of shampoos, conditioners and a hair masque is developed exclusively by boutique north London hair salon OGARIO.
Packed with plant extracts and essential oils, products contain the Protein Protect formula, a unique blend of pro-vitamin B5 and super-nourishing proteins for shiny, healthy hair.
OGARIO London chooses only naturally-derived, active ingredients, including everything from rooibos and sage to marshmallow and nettle.
OGARIO creative director Norris Ogario said: ‘There is so much to celebrate about being British this year. We started in the UK and so we want to support the country by basing our production here.
‘We feel proud to be working with British businesses and hope to be able to continue to do so in the future. After all, you have to be true to your roots.’
by editor | Apr 7, 2012 | Lifestyle
Care For Your Hair
According To Your Age
26 Mar 12
Hair is important to women at every stage of life. Here, Norris Ogario, Creative Director of luxury haircare range OGARIO London, shares his tips on keeping hair in great condition whatever milestone in life you’ve reached…
Hair goes through a lot once you’ve broken out of your teens. Women are more likely to follow the latest trends using heated styling tools, fixatives and fashion colouring. With so much expected of it, hair needs to be nourished and hydrated to keep it looking its best. Regular trims are important to keep split ends in check and we recommend using a weekly treatment such as OGARIO London’s Restore and Shine Hair Masque. With healing sage and lavender, hair will stay looking glossy and healthy whatever you put it through.
This is an age when many women are juggling a career and family but if you have time for nothing else, do invest in a quality haircut. Make sure you have a proper consultation with your hairdresser before your hair has been washed. When I talk to a client, I can tell a lot from their mannerisms about how they wear their hair – they might push it to one side, away from the face. You can’t spot this when the hair is wet. It’s important to understand the client so we can create a hairstyle that suits them and their lifestyle. Busy lifestyles can be exhausting, leaving hair and skin dull and tired. We’ve combined baobab, nettle and rooibos in our Revive and Shine Shampoo to create an energy-boosting blend for your hair and scalp. The uplifting aroma in this blend will put a spring in your step and bounce in your hair.
A confident decade where women often have more time for themselves and are sure about what they want. Hair should reflect that. If they haven’t done before, women may start to think about colour to cover the first signs of grey hair. For those who are embarking on hair colour for the first time and who have a small amount of grey, I recommend a vegetable tint, a semi-permanent colour that rinses out over time. They get great results and are much gentler on the hair.
Women may find their hair changes texture and can start to thin a little due to hormonal changes. It’s important to adapt the way you care for hair to respond accordingly. Shorter cuts help the strength of the hair but make sure you have a consultation to work out the best shape for you – if you don’t get it right, it can be ageing. Invest in a quality hair care product too – shampoos and conditioners with proteins and high levels of pro-vitamin B5 will replenish the hair and help with its condition.
Sixties and beyond
Hair and skin becomes dryer as we age. Drinking plenty of water and a balanced diet will help hydrate the hair. Choose products with natural emollients to help tame wiry grey locks – synthetic silicones do work in the short term but can be drying over time. We recommend our Hydrate and Shine shampoo and conditioner duo, packed with nourishing ingredients such as pro-vitamin B5, silk proteins, avocado oil, honey and marshmallow to soften and control the hair, leaving it ready for styling.
by editor | Apr 7, 2012 | Lifestyle
Emulate Lily’s Snow White
Inspired Hair Do With Silhouette
27 Mar 12
Surrounded by A-list celebrities, Lily ensured she outshone everyone on the red carpet with her porcelain skin and ruby red lips.
However, no Snow White would be complete without her raven locks and with Schwarzkopf Professional’s Silhouette Color Brilliance Hairspray (£3.90, 300ml) we can all fight the fade and maintain vibrant colour with long-lasting hold.
Lily kept her hairstyle soft and feminine with gentle waves and subtle volume adding old-school glamour to this modern-day princess.
A quick spritz over the crown of the head with Silhouette Color Brilliance hairspray’s (£3.90, 300ml) innovative light weight formula ensures impressive volume that will not deflate throughout the day, also keeping curls defined yet soft to the touch. Whilst achieving impeccably perfect style a unique vitamin complex transforms dull lifeless locks into vibrant multi-dimensional colour that will give you princess approved hair, everyday!
by editor | Apr 7, 2012 | Lifestyle
Beauty Shortlist Awards
To Honour “Best Of British”
27 Mar 12
Winners to be announced late April, shortlisted brands revealed Thursday, April 12th, 2012
The first ever Beauty Shortlist Awards kick off this April when the shortlisted brands are revealed on Thursday, April 12th. The winners will be announced in late April.
With a strong focus on British and natural/organic beauty brands, the 40 Awards Categories include:
Best British Skincare Brand
Best Luxury Beauty Brand
Best Natural/Organic Beauty Brand
Best “Bee” Beauty Brand
Best New Fragrance Launch
Best Natural Baby Brand
There are fourteen skincare categories in all, as well as cosmetics, tanning, beauty/health supplements, retail sites and a special Best Breakthrough Beauty Product award.
The Awards will spotlight beauty companies across the board, including some smaller or more “niche” brands. Three brands/products will be shortlisted in each of the 40 categories by the panel of five judges from the fashion, retail and health and beauty industries. Announcing the Awards, Fiona Klonarides, Founding Editor of The Beauty Shortlist said, “We’ve tested hundreds of beauty products since 2009, so it feels right to honour the stand-outs this year. When you look at the beauty breakthroughs we’ve been seeing in the last two to three years, you realise how fast our industry is evolving right now.
“We wanted consumers to have a say, too, so we’ll be making four categories open for votes as “People’s Choice” picks. The Awards are our way of recognising the exceptional beauty entrepreneurs in our industry, many of them British. We are already seeing some really advanced science-meets-nature breakthroughs this year particularly in the categories of self-tanners and skincare – so it’s an exciting time to launch our first ever Awards.”
by editor | Apr 7, 2012 | Lifestyle
Why Essential Oils
Are Essential For Hair
28 Mar 12

You may associate essential oils with aromatherapy rather than haircare products – but they do more than just produce a soothing fragrance.
OGARIO London’s luxury range of shampoos, conditioners and hair masque products contain a total of 16 essential oils. Unique blends include everything from mandarin and lavender to lime, may chang and bergamot, creating rich, uplifting aromas that smell good enough to eat.
These carefully selected essential oils work in harmony with the naturally derived active ingredients in products to help nourish and condition the hair and scalp, from stimulating follicles to helping reduce breakage.
OGARIO creative director Norris Ogario says: ‘Customers want hair care that does what it promises but experience is also important – which is why our essential oil blends are incredibly uplifting. We also wanted to recreate the salon experience at home and our customers tell us that using OGARIO London products is like creating a home spa with fragrances filling the bathroom.
‘Fragrance retention is also vital for customers when choosing hair care, which is why we developed blends that stay on the hair long after washing, leaving it smelling fresh and clean for days.’
by editor | Apr 7, 2012 | Lifestyle
Introducing The NEW
Spring/Summer Nail
Collection From Miners Cosmetics
28 Mar 12
Spring into Summer with the sweep of a brush!
This season sees catwalks awash with classic pastels with an edgy and bright twist. With this in mind Miners have launched a brand new bright and breezy Nail Collection for 2012:
Keepin’ it Teal – Having spent many an hour dreaming of sippnig on a Sea Breeze Cocktail looking out onto stunning ocean views, we knew we needed to bottle it! Keepin’ it Teal is a stunning aqua shade that will hydrate any Summer look.
Mango Tango – Arrriba! This shade combines the intensity and sexiness of the Tango with the fun and fruitiness of Samba loving Carmen Miranda. Inspired by that famous ‘edible’ hat, this beach bright is the perfect Spring/Summer shade.
Sunny Side Up – Taking us back to lazy Summer days spent making daisy chains whilst soaking up the sun, this fresh and vibrant shade encapsulates everything to do with Spring and Summer. The fun yellow colour has been a popular edition to the top runways this season including Mulberry and Louis Vuitton – a must have edition to any Summer collection.
Joining the three brand NEW shades are two of our firm favourites – Marshmallow and Jezebel
RRP £2.99
by editor | Apr 7, 2012 | Lifestyle
Green People Offers An
Improved Sun Care
Range With New Additions
28 Mar 12
Green People offers an improved sun care range:
Self Tan Lotion – 200ml – RRP £17.95
A revolutionary natural self tan containing organic Rosehip, Sandalwood and Geranium and lightly scented with natural essential oils. This light, fast absorbing self tanning lotion is the perfect solution for a natural radiant glow all year round. 89% certified organic ingredients.
Sun Lotion SPF15 with natural sun tan accelerator – 100ml – RRP £12.99 / 200ml – RRP £17.95This organic SPF15 sun lotion has a naturally derived ingredient which works to speed up the body’s ability to tan. The key active ingredient, Inositol, is a naturally occurring nutrient derived from the fruits of the Carob tree which acts as a stimulant for the formation of melanin. Trials on human volunteers have shown that the speed of tanning increases by over 24% compared to placebo, the intensity or depth of suntan increases by over 28%, and when used after obtaining a tan it reduces the tan-fading rate by almost 50%. 82.25% certified organic ingredients.
After Sun Lotion – 100ml – RRP £8.99
A cooling and soothing moisturiser which prolongs the natural radiance of a healthy tan whilst pampering the skin and minimising peeling. Light yet nourishing, this is also a great refreshing everyday body lotion. Freshly scented with fairly traded Mint Oil. 94.49% certified organic ingredients.
No Scent Soft Lips SPF8 – 10ml – RRP £4.95
This soothing lip balm with UV protection protects and softens dry, chapped lips. It offers super soft lips and a natural sheen from berry wax and fairly traded Cupuaçu butter. This mild, no-scent formulation – with no essential oils – is ideal for parched, raw and chapped lips and can be applied over lipstick for a subtle gloss effect! 70% certified organic ingredients.
New Cooling Hydrating Mist – 100ml – RRP £13.99
A multi-purpose alcohol-free mist fro hand and body. Hydrate and rebalance a dehydrated complexion with this handy spritz. Precious Rose and Orange Blossom floral waters are carefully blended with soothing Aloe Vera, hydrating Marshmallow and calming Chamomile to offer a refreshing pick me up to tired, lacklustre skin. This versatile mist can be used as a toner or as a great ‘instant fix’ hydration booster, offering skin cooling relief. Keep in the fridge to use as a cooling mist on ‘sun-kissed’ skin in the summer. The soft orange scent is divine. 96.9% certified organic ingredients.
New Sun & Sports Shampoo – 100ml – RRP £9.99
Suitable for all hair types. Gently wash away salt, chlorine and pollutants to unveil luminous, healthy hair. Protects against UV damage. Contains a newly developed extract from the Artichoke plant which has a protective action against damage to both proteins and oils to maintain healthy hair structure, maintain shine, and guard against dryness and coarseness. A handy 100ml size makes it suitable for hand luggage or taking to the gym. 81% certified organic ingredients.
New Sun & Sports Conditioner – 100ml – RRP £9.99
Suitable for all hair types. Intensive conditioner to restore a healthy, glossy shine. Protects against UV damage. A handy 100ml size makes it suitable for hand luggage or taking to the gym. 91% certified organic ingredients.
New Limited Edition Gold Shimmer Bronzer – 7g – RRP £22.00
A gorgeous three-tone, golden shimmer pressed bronzer presented in a handy lightweight compact. Designed to highlight and contour the face, collarbone, décolletage, and shoulders. This versatile, certified organic mineral powder offers a natural golden glow without clogging pores. A summer ‘must-have’ to complement a natural sun-kissed look.
Beauty Tip: Celebrity make up artist Claire Hanson says, “This bronzer is the perfect one stop product for summer. Use on eyes, cheeks and lips (with lip balm) for sun kissed summer style”.

Sun protection has become ever more important. Rates of skin cancer have quadrupled over the past 30 years, making it the most common cancer in women aged 15 to 24. Most skin cancers are caused by over-exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun and more than 2,000 people die from malignant melanoma each year [Cancer Research UK].
Recognising the ever increasing importance of protecting skin from the dangers of UV light and understanding the desire for natural based sunscreens, Green People’s award winning, natural and organic range of suncare products offers ultimate natural sun protection without clogging the pores and provides nature’s answer to enjoyable, safe and effective tanning.
Key facts about Green People’s Organic Suncare range:
Broad-spectrum UVA / UVB protection: All Green People sun lotions contain over 80% organic ingredients and the effective natural, broad-spectrum UVA & UVB protection is generated with a blend of earth minerals, a UV filter derived from cinnamic acid, found in Cinnamon oil, and Edelweiss.
Protect against premature ageing: The products include natural antioxidants and skin vitamins A, C & E which come from Avocado and Rosemary extract which will help to support the skin’s immune system and protect against cell damage, helping to avoid premature ageing.
Faster tanning: Green People’s SFP15 lotion includes an extract from the Carob tree which naturally stimulates melanin, speeding up the tanning process by 25% and reducing the tan-fading rate by almost 50 per cent.
Soothing, moisture binding: Myrrh and Aloe Vera are added to the sun care range for their soothing, healing and moisture-binding properties to minimise peeling.
Suitable for sensitive skin: All Green People products are extremely gentle and suitable for people with a tendency to skin allergies. Green People do not use harsh pore-clogging silicones and mineral oils, synthetic fragrances, artificial colours or skin-drying alcohol.
General suncare facts:
SPF30 sunscreens do not offer twice the protection of SPF15.
SPF15 offers 93% protection against UVB rays, while SPF30 offers 97% protection against UVB rays. In fact, the highest SPF100 still only offers 99% protection. It is more important to apply regularly and liberally.
UVB radiation mainly affects the outer layer of the skin and results in redness and burning. UVA radiation penetrates deeper into the skin and can affect living cells in the dermis. It is thought that over-exposure to UVA radiation is responsible for accelerating the skin ageing process by breaking down collagen and elastin tissues.
As the damage caused by UVA rays is not immediately apparent there is a risk that long term damage could be increased through the use of sun lotions that do not offer adequate protection against both UVA and UVB radiation.
Prickly heat is an irritating red rash that is caused by blocked sweat ducts. It can be aggravated by waterproof sun lotions which contain ingredients that block pores and prevent sweat from escaping – the effect is like wrapping the skin in cling-film! Green People sun lotions are free from pore-clogging ingredients and are suitable for people who suffer from prickly heat and other skin sensitivities.
by editor | Apr 7, 2012 | Lifestyle
Miners Cosmetics Team
Up With New Band NVS!
29 Mar 12
Miners Cosmetics are proud to announce a new and exciting partnership with hot new mixed group NVS.
Throughout March and April we will be proudly sponsoring NVS as they hit arenas across the UK and Ireland on the SELL OUT JLS 4th Dimension Tour.
The five piece band are made up of the very gorgeous and talented Harri, Tess, Brett, Declan and Rio; taking their name from the Italian phrase ‘Niente Viene Semplice’ which loosley trnaslates to ‘nothing comes easy’. They have already performed alongside the likes of Tinie Tempah, NDUBZ and Labrinth and recently supported The Saturdays on their All Fired Up tour.
Throughout the 29 date arena tour the band will be also taking part in a school tour, working closely with the police to promote their campaign about anti-social behaviour.
As well as providing the band with all their drop dead gorgeous looks, Miners Cosmetics will be running marketing campaigns on twitter, facebook and online with get the looks, promos and most importantly VIP giveaways to the gigs.
NVS will be releasing their debut single Drop Dead Gorgeous at the end of April.
by editor | Apr 5, 2012 | Lead Story
Wednesday 4th April 2012, New York: Today Jaguar confirms that it will bring an all-new sports car to production; the F-TYPE.
Speaking at the New York auto show Adrian Hallmark, Global Brand Director, Jaguar Cars, confirmed: “We showed the C-X16 concept in September 2011, and the reaction to it has been so positive that we’ve accelerated our development of an all-new Jaguar sports car.
“That car will be called the F-TYPE, and it will be unveiled in production form later this year. The core appeal of Jaguar’s cars is their sporting heart, and that heart will beat stronger than ever before in the F-TYPE. Its development is a vivid representation of the confidence and ambition of the Jaguar brand, and the desire amongst our engineers and design team to produce a world-leader in a market segment that we have been absent from for too long. But no longer – the F-TYPE is coming.”
Utilising Jaguar’s industry-leading knowledge of all-aluminium construction, the F-TYPE will launch as a convertible, and a strict two-seater with the focus uncompromisingly on delivering driver reward. A range of petrol engines will be available – including a new powerplant family – and all will deliver stunning sports car performance.
Today also marks the point that the F-TYPE’s rigorous development schedule moves to final on-road testing, with engineering prototypes now leaving Jaguar’s Castle Bromwich plant – the same plant at which the production cars will be built.
Ian Hoban, Jaguar’s Vehicle Line Director said: “The engineering development of the F-TYPE has focused on delivering a heightened level of dynamic driving reward. We are excited about our progress to date and are looking forward to soon being able to demonstrate what we have achieved.”
Ian Callum, Director of Design, said: “A true sports car needs to be pure in both its purpose and its form; to have the opportunity to produce such a car for Jaguar has been a privilege both for myself and for my team. The C-type, D-type and E-type Jaguars were all sports cars that held true to this principle in their era, and the F-TYPE will hold true to that same principle in its time, a time that is soon to arrive.”
The F-TYPE will join Jaguar’s existing range of cars – the XF saloon and Sportbrake, XJ saloon and XK coupe/convertible. Full F-TYPE technical and range details will be announced later in 2012.
It will go on sale in mid-2013.
by editor | Apr 5, 2012 | Lifestyle
Europe’s leading airline to operate 70 flights
a week from Southend to nine destinations
Southend, Monday 26th March 2012: easyJet have today launched their inaugural flight from London Southend Airport.
The airline believes that services from Southend – once London’s third biggest airport, and home of Freddie Laker’s revolutionary airline – will herald a new way to fly to and from London and the South East.
The airport features a new runway and new terminal (recently opened by Secretary of State Justine Greening), and promises a mere 15 minute journey from plane to train. Fast rail links to Stratford and the City will also help Southend attract business and leisure travellers to and from London. The airport also claims that passengers will get through security within four minutes.
easyJet will operate 70 flights a week from Southend to nine destinations, with more to follow in the near future.
by editor | Apr 2, 2012 | Lead Story
‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ Queen’s 1985 Live Aid performance announced as best festival act of all time
Festival season is just around the corner and new research today reveals that the UK’s love of a good festival performance has never faded. From old school classics to new generation music, the new top ten festival acts list reveals us Brits love nothing better than a show stopping performance and (according to the research) no one did it better than Queen in 1985.
The new research, by Q Now Magazine and shortlisted by the public suggests that it’s not only the older acts that are the best. Beyonce’s world famous performance on the main Glastonbury stage in 2011 comes in at a massive second in the all-time list, a fantastic accomplishment for the first female solo act to grace the stage and shows that the ‘Bootylicious’ B appeals to both the older and younger generations alike
And it seems we are still longing for musical days gone by, according to the research. The survey reveals that 6/10 acts that we deem the best of all time were performed before 1990 – with U2, Jimi Hendrix and AC/DC all beating their younger peers to the coveted top ten places.
The research, revealed today to announce the ticket launch for Eurostar’s hotly anticipated ‘Traction’ Festival reveals the UK’s real music and festival taste, and with a few surprises
1. Queen, Live Aid, 1985
2. Beyonce, Glastonbury, 2011
3. AC/DC, Castle Donnington, 1981
4. U2, Live Aid, 1985
5. Blur, Glastonbury, 2009
6. Jimi Hendrix, Woodstock, 1969
7. Nirvana, Reading, 1992
8. Bob Dylan, Newport Folk Festival, 1965
9. The Rolling Stones, Hyde Park, 1969
10. Johnny Cash ,Glastonbury, 1994
11. Muse, Glastonbury, 2004
by editor | Apr 2, 2012 | Lifestyle
Fully Present
Do you remember the story of Jeremy Bentham of London, England? He
died in 1832 and left his estate to University College London. But
he also stipulated that his body be embalmed, dressed up and brought
in to preside over the annual meeting of university administrators.
His preserved body is still there today, displayed in a glass
cabinet. And it is apparently still wheeled into the annual
meetings. For years, the secretary of the board added to the minutes
of each session, “Jeremy Bentham, present but not voting.”
I’ve KNOWN people like that — present but not voting. Too often, I
am one of them. These people are alive, but they are not really
living. As Benjamin Franklin may have put it, they died around 25
but won’t be buried until they are 75. They live without passion.
They seem to have forgotten what thrill and wonder life can hold.
They get through each day, but seldom experience anything like deep
joy. They’re alive, but barely.
Jeremy Bentham, who every year is present but not voting, reminds me
of a story from Jewish humor. A widow spoke to friends about her
departed husband. “Sidney thought of everything,” she said. “Just
before he died, he called me to his bedside. He handed me three
envelopes. ‘I have put all my last wishes in these three envelopes,’
he said. ‘After I am dead, please open them and do exactly as I have
instructed. Then I can rest in peace.’”
She explained the contents of the envelopes. “The first envelope
contained $5,000 with a note: ‘Use this money to buy a nice casket.’
So I bought a beautiful mahogany casket with a soft lining. The
second envelope contained $10,000 and a note: ‘Use this for a nice
funeral.’ So I used it for flowers, food and music. I know it would
have made him happy.’ The third envelope contained $25,000 with a
note: ‘Use this to buy a nice stone.’”
At that point, the widow held up her hand and pointed to her finger,
adorned with a lovely diamond ring. “So, do you like my stone?”
It WAS a nice stone. She knew that life was for the living.
Diamonds are not exactly my idea of living fully, but the story
makes a good point. I want to do my best to enjoy life while I have
I think actor Maurice Chevalier had the right idea. He once said, “I
never eat when I can dine.” Do you know the difference? Eating is
doing the necessary. Getting it done. I eat because I am hungry,
then I can get on with what I was doing. Or I eat WHILE I’m doing
something else – like writing or driving or watching television. If
there is any pleasure to be found in the meal, I likely don’t notice
it. My attention is on something else.
But dining is different. Dining is the ENJOYMENT of eating. When I
dine, I pay attention to what I am doing. I taste the foods – I
savor them. I notice the differences between flavors and I eat more
slowly. I also pay more attention to the people who are sharing my
meal. I interact with them. I am fully present during the meal and I
may even reflect back on it later in the day. I admit, I eat often,
but I don’t dine nearly enough.
I want to dine more and eat less. I don’t want to just show up for
life; I want to be part of it. I want to worry less about such
things as where I live, and more about living where I am. And at the
end of my life, I want to say that I always tried to be fully
Find Steve Goodier here:
by editor | Mar 30, 2012 | Lifestyle
Appliances Online

Appliances Online check all their prices every day against all their competitors to make sure they offer the best price. They even display their prices on their website so you can see them clearly, to make your life easier. In the unlikely event of a competitor offering exactly the same product, having it in stock and available for immediate delivery at a cheaper price, then they will match it. No catches or tricky exceptions.
Biggest Range
They sell virtually everything there is to sell in the major appliance market. Over 30 brands and over 4,000 products. The only thing with such a big choice, is that you might need some help – but they’re here for that too.
You don’t buy appliances very often, so they have a UK call centre full of trained people passionate about appliances to help you. They answer the phone quickly, so whether you just need help to choose what to buy, are ready to place an order or need help 12 months after we have delivered your order – every call is important to us. They are here to help until all of your needs are met, there’s no rush. That is why they open from 8am until 10pm, 7 days a week.
Real advice from real customers – highlighting all the good and the bad points. They really want you to be able to help each other. A lot of their customers that order from them are kind enough to share their experiences with them, so that they can share them with future customers to help them choose the right appliances for them. This process is designed to be as simple as possible to make it as helpful as possible. Please remember how helpful the reviews were to you when they send you a little nudge to ask you if you will help future customers. A little help for each other is what makes the world go round!
by Editor | Mar 28, 2012 | Events, News
AVT’s Diamond Do: Gatwick Diamond Business Awards go Funky
2012 marks the fourth year of the Gatwick Diamond Business Awards and the GDBA (Gatwick Diamond Business Association) pulled out all the stops to host a Black Tie event that will be talked about for years to come.
The awards ceremony has doubled in size since the first event in 2009 and the GDBA wanted a ceremony that would extend beyond the night itself and cement its reputation as one of the regions premier business occasions. The awards are run as a not-for-profit event and proceeds are invested back into promoting and supporting local issues and making sure the organisation is run by the members for the members. Gatwick Airport, Santander and PwC LLP were this year’s headline sponsors.
AVT Connect are delighted to have been involved in the continued success and growth of the event, working in partnership with the GBDA to produce a successful and exciting event that this year included live relay and a post event video.
Rory Bremner was this years’ presenter and managed quite simply to captivate the audience. Many a belly laugh ensured that the ceremony was highly entertaining and will most certainly be talked about by everyone in attendance.
Building on the success of last years event, the GDBA again booked the Copthorne Hotel Effingham Gatwick to accommodate the increased number of 600 guests in the “Millenium Suite”. The adjoining “Bentley Suite” provided the perfect location for an after show party and 70’s disco; AVT themed the area to provide the perfect dancing experience.
Jeremy Taylor, Director of GDBA, decided to have a 70’s funk-themed after-party saying, “Award ceremonies always end too early. Just as everyone is starting to enjoy themselves it’s time to go. As well as being a chance to commend exceptional business practice in Sussex, the awards are always a fantastic occasion for our members to get together, meet other members, socialise and network. We felt that it shouldn’t be limited to just the table they are sitting at.”
AVT were responsible for designing and producing the awards ceremony and after-party including the stage setting, projection, sound, and lighting equipment, themed disco and filming, all managed, expertly by their high-calibre technical team. Also provided was a 3-camera set-up with live relay as well capturing vox-pop interviews with guests, award-winners, sponsors and judges.
A post event video will provide first hand testimony by this year’s participants as to why organisations should get involved in this great awards scheme, and will shortly be available on GDBA’s website.
The evening was an enormous success and AVT would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the winners for their achievements and the Gatwick Diamond Business Association on yet again upping the ante and organising such a spectacular awards ceremony.
by editor | Mar 28, 2012 | Lifestyle
Do You Worry About Where It Comes From?
Back in the ‘80’s there was a lot of talk about animal testing in the world of cosmetics and beauty products, highlighted primarily by the rise in popularity of The Body Shop with their stringent ethical stance. Brands went to great lengths to make sure that consumers were made aware of the provenance of their products and little bunny rabbit logos appeared everywhere. Laws were changed too and the onus is now on businesses to operate responsibly and within strict guidelines to ensure consumer safety and remain trading.
These days, the shift of focus has moved on. We are still conscious of the need to make sure we purchase goods developed and manufactured in a sound moral environment, but are also seeking information about other concerns too. The use of ingredients from renewable sources is a current favourite, and also that elements of the product are not harmful to the environment or indeed to the consumer using them. High fashion has even got involved and beauty magazines will often show spreads of Make up tips using the latest ‘clean’ brands which tick all the right boxes. Look out for the latest in a glossy magazine near you!
The industry giants such as Procter & Gamble who produces famous household favourites such as Oil of olay have had to grow and evolve with the times like everyone else. P&G as they are commonly known have been around since 1837 so they certainly have a lot of experience in getting it right. They do however admit to occasional animal testing but are however keen to state it is always done in a humane way. Purists will not find this acceptable, but many of us may not even give it a second thought. The question remains: do you worry about where it comes from? Or is it all about getting the latest looks. If nothing else maybe this article will make you think…
by editor | Mar 27, 2012 | Lifestyle
Organic & Natural
Neals Yard Remedies for
Health and Beauty Products.

Protect Yourself & the Planet at the same time with “Neal’s Yard Remedies”
The Folks At Neal’s Yard Remedies, are driven by the passionate belief that health and beauty should be more natural, less synthetic. This passion, and their firm belief that it’s down to all of us to protect our precious planet, is at the heart of everything we do.
by editor | Mar 26, 2012 | Lifestyle
Kit Heath Announce
Charity Partnership
13 Mar 12
Kit Heath is proud to announce it’s partnership with the charity Wellbeing of Women.
Wellbeing of Women is a charity dedicated to improving the health of women and babies, to make a difference to everybody’s lives today and tomorrow.
To show their support for WOW Kit Heath has pledged to champion the awareness of the charity in the South West, support fundraising events through the donation of their jewellery and enhance awareness via their website including a £1 donation for every Beachcomber pebble bead sold on their website
Beachcomber is a unique collection of collectable pebbles inspired by natures treasures.
Explore the dazzling array of sterling silver pebbles to create a bracelet or necklace that is as unique and individual as you.
Mix and match, small or large, sleek or sparkling – create a piece of jewellery that reflects your individual style. Beachcomber pebbles and bracelets start at £20
Kit Heath is one of the UK’s leading sterling silver jewellery brands and can be found across our network of independent stockists as well as House of Fraser, John Lewis, Debenhams and online at
You may be interested in looking at our facebook page and twitter feed!/Kit_Heath
by editor | Mar 26, 2012 | Lifestyle
Cocorose London Launch
Exclusive Collection
For The Royal Ballet
13 Mar 12
Cocorose London – the sole of chic for international fashionistas’
feet – are delighted to announce they have signed a unique, new licensing partnership with The Royal Ballet that was launched 1st March 2012.
Under the brand of The Royal Ballet, Cocorose London have created an
Exclusive Fashion Collection of their cult-following foldable
ballet pumps, to market through
the Royal Opera House and Cocorose London’s global distribution channels.
‘Darcey’ the enchanting Nude Pink and Black Grosgrain Diamante Bow Foldable Ballet Pump with Signature Purse, is the first exclusive design. Price £50. Available from
“This is such an incredible opportunity,” says Janan Leo, Cocorose London’s
31-year-old, award-winning Creative Director and Founder.
“I am honoured to be associated with such an iconic, world-class, British artistic company.
As a huge admirer of The Royal Ballet,
it’s a dream for me to be invited to design a
Fashion Collection of our foldable ballet pumps exclusively for them.”
The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, the home of The Royal Ballet, is also the venue for the prestigious annual Orange British Academy Film Awards.
Cocorose London are proud to have been appointed by BAFTA since 2010
to be an Official Gift Partner –
and thrilled that they have again been invited to design an
‘Exclusive BAFTA Cocorose London Foldable Ballet Pump’
for the Gift Bags given to the
Nominees & Presenters at the 2012 gala event.
Cocorose London’s stylish and uber-comfortable, signature foldable ballet pumps are designed for modern and contemporary women and incorporate elements of functionality, convenience and design aesthetics. Each pair of shoes are presented in Cocorose London’s luxury travel purse, with an accompanying, black satin shoulder bag folded into its back pocket so women can change out of their skyscraper heels or trainers and “Cocorose It” anytime, anyplace, anywhere!
by editor | Mar 26, 2012 | Lifestyle
Giuliano Fujiwara Women’s
Collection Fall/Winter 2012-201
13 Mar 12
For Fall/Winter 2012-2013, the giuliano Fujiwara woman combines her modern, minimalist style – a slightly quirky, understated and typically Oriental approach – with a strong folklore mood. As with the Men’s Fall/Winter 2012-2013 collection, the focus is on the Inuit, the Arctic civilization that lives near the North Pole whose richly colored costumes have inspired knitwear and decorative accessories such as necklaces and bracelets.
The collection – which is based on contrasts in fabrics, shapes, and colors – fully reflects the inner self of the giuliano Fujiwara woman: cute and cool/ conceptual, strong in appearance/ simple soul, striking look/ Zen spirit.
Outerwear and clothes with egg-shaped, rounded silhouettes, pleating on cuffs, also double-faced.
Masculine work wear jumpsuits with feminine cropped pullovers.
Pea-coats worn with pleated shorts.
Miniskirts with oversized pullovers worn like jackets.
Baggy trousers with cropped pullovers.
Men and women’s silhouettes.
Micro jacquard Inuit motifs in ultra-light mohair wool.
Sweaters with blue and red Milano stitch motif on white and black background.
Oversized shaker knit cardigans.
A combination of contrasting close-knit fabrics: micro print wool combined with an ultra-glossy fabric.
Bouclé wool and faux fur.
Wool in colorful motifs with an ultra-modern weave.
Wool crêpe.
Lined nappa to create volume.
Shearling used for contrast: front and back.
Platform soles: knee-high boots, booties, and open booties with wide ankle strap.
A combination of different materials: nappa, nabuck, and patent leather in a monochromatic version or with splashes of color.
Basic black, anthracite gray, and midnight blue mixed with splashes of yellow and red.
Bags in a blend of colors and materials.
Wooden necklaces and bracelets painted in Inuit motifs.
Futuristic acetate eyewear.
For more information:
by editor | Mar 26, 2012 | Lifestyle
Giuliano Fujiwara –
FW12-13 Man
14 Mar 12
The FW12 Giuliano Fujiwara collection continues the brand’s quest to push the boundaries of innovative and refined tailoring, grounded by its streetwear edge.
Creative director Masataka Matsumura, has been inspired by the heavy-duty outerwear of Canada and the Inuits; the enveloping, slightly oversized silhouettes, the mixed natural and technical fabrications, the underlying connotations of outdoor workwear, and a great considerstion of practicality, layering and warmth have shaped a diverse fall-winter collection for the urban Fujiwara man.
Key wardrobe pieces are offered, classic styles with the Fujiwara twist from fur-trimmed technical sport parkas, elegant coats with velvet and shearling collars, technical wool jackets with leather workwear patches, to dynamic leather blousons with drop-out plaid wool linings, wearable as a seperate piece. Check shirts, and melange heavy gauge argyle knitwear provide the perfect vintgae-inspired underpinnings. Trousers shapes are modern- from cropped, wide to tapered styles and elasticated details for comfort. Signature Fujiwara finishing is visible though out, with raw wool edges, clean cut lines and discreet fastenings.
Accessories are utilitarian, classic work-boots, brogues and sneakers take an eccentric twist- offered in mixed fabrications and colourways- primarily robust nobuk leather and sturdy rubber soles. Whilst bags have multiple straps for different carrying methods, again mixing leathers and technical fabrics.
The colour palette has been driven by the natural colours of the Inuit attire, the beige, camel and brown alongside the male wardrobe classics like blue, grey and black. Shots of dusty yellow, petrol blue and red come into play, providing a modern, graphic contrast.
by editor | Mar 26, 2012 | Lifestyle
Fashion Journalist And
TV Presenter Emma Smith
Launches Your Style Fix
15 Mar 12
Fashion blog for real women launches. Your Style Fix will report back the latest trend reports, celebrity style, fashion news, tips and advice as well as pregnancy fashion.
Fashion journalist Emma Smith has launched her exciting online magazine and fashion blog Your Style Fix.
The site’s strapline is ‘Taking trends from the catwalk and bringing them to life for the real woman’ and it provides a platform from which followers can keep up to date with the latest trends, celebrity style, fashion news, tips and advice.
She says: “My blog is all about bringing beautiful timeless designs to real women.”
As well as providing the latest trend reports, celebrity style, fashion news, tips and advice Emma’s blog will also cover pregnancy fashion as she is expecting baby number two in the autumn.
A regular on the front row , Emma has a degree in fashion journalism and extensive experience as a presenter (Fashot TV, BBC, Heat! Radio) and as a fashion journalist (she is the fashion editor for London glossy Close Up) and is very excited about this new venture.
She says: “As a busy working mother I understand that at all stages in their lives it’s important for women to feel good about themselves and fashion can provide that. My blog is a natural extension of my passion for fashion and I am looking forward to inspiring women to interpret the catwalk trends.”
Chloe Goddard
[email protected]
by editor | Mar 25, 2012 | Lifestyle
Lily Cole to act as first global Brand Advocate for pioneering beauty brand
London, 22nd March. The Body Shop, one of the 21st Century’s most iconic and pioneering Brands, today launched a new beauty movement – called Beauty With Heart – that will inspire individuals everywhere and transform the boundaries of beauty.
Beauty With Heart places emphasis on a beauty experience that is more than skin-deep, putting a human stamp on beauty and empowering people the world over to Look Good, Feel Good And Do Good.
Beauty With Heart will spring to life through a new store experience called Pulse, as well as through the active support of the first global Brand Advocate for The Body Shop, Lily Cole.
Activist, model and actor Lily Cole is the embodiment of the Brand’s strong Values and the first of a community of inspiring young activists.
Sophie Gasperment, Executive Chairman, The Body Shop, said: “We know that our Brand delivers more than beauty; our products truly contain heart as well. Today, we’re looking to a future where our vision of beauty can be experienced by new generations for whom it is all about looking good, feeling good and doing good, too.”
Lily Cole, global Brand Advocate for The Body Shop, said: “I have long been an advocate of the potential of using business and consumer power to cause positive change. The Body Shop takes a responsible attitude to people and the environment, and it feels amazing to be supporting a brand who are pioneers in that way of working.”
by editor | Mar 25, 2012 | Lifestyle

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Regatta – A walk through our history
With over 80 years and 3 generations experience in making high quality waterproofs, the Black family established the Regatta Brand in 1981 and has developed it into the UK’s largest supplier of outdoor and leisure clothing and a leading player in the European market.
Regatta caters for the whole family. Its ranges cover everything from high performance outdoor wear under the X-ert label to easy-to-wear everyday outdoor clothing in its Outdoor Classics and Heritage ranges. Regatta completes the outdoor offering with an excellent range of footwear, rucksacks and accessories.

by editor | Mar 25, 2012 | Lifestyle
Imagination is Everything
Three-year-old Jonathon is gifted. And precocious. I’m told that when his parents took him to a restaurant, he ordered a grilled cheese sandwich. “Jonathon, I’m sorry, we don’t serve grilled cheese sandwiches,” the server replied.
He asked playfully, “You have a grill, don’t you?”
She answered, “Yes.”
He continued, “You have cheese, don’t you?”
“Yes, we do.”
“You have bread, don’t you?”
“Well,” he said, “I’ll have a grilled cheese sandwich.”
Three years old. (You may think his parents should have taught him better manners, but please don’t let that keep you from seeing the marvel of this small child’s imagination.)
The smiling server returned after checking with the chef and told the boy they would be happy to fix him the sandwich. “But I forgot to ask you what you want to drink,” she said.
“I’ll have a milkshake, please.”
“I’m sorry, Jonathon, but we don’t serve milkshakes,” she answered. But this time she was ready for him. “Now, it is true we have milk. And it is true we have ice cream. But we don’t have syrup,” she explained.
He laughed. “You have a car, don’t you?”
There’s always a solution. Whatever other intellectual gifts Jonathon seems to have, the trait that may serve him best is imagination. He has the valuable ability to imagine a solution to whatever problem comes his way.
Albert Einstein famously said, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” In other words, what we can see in our imagination today we may experience in life tomorrow. He also said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” He knew that we humans are limited by how much we can learn, but we are never limited by how much we can imagine.
I have come to realize that I am held back far more by my lack of imagination than by my circumstances. When I believe nothing can be done, I search for a way OUT of the difficulty when I OUGHT to be searching for solutions. How can I change anything when I’m looking for a way out? When I perceive my situation as impossible, I resign myself to that fate and give up.
But WHAT IF I were to look at it differently? WHAT IF I approached it in a different way? WHAT IF a creative answer could actually be found? I often settle for less when I should be asking myself powerful questions that begin with the words “what if. . .”
Some two hundred years ago a class of noisy boys in a German primary school was assigned a task to keep them busy. They were instructed to add up all the numbers from 1 to 100. The children settled down, scribbling busily on their slates — all but one. This boy looked off into space for a few moments, then wrote something on his slate and turned it in. His was the only right answer. When the amazed teacher asked how he did it, he said he wondered if there might be some shortcut. He went on to say, “I found one: 100 plus one is 101; 99 plus two is 101; 98 plus three is 101, and, if I continued the series all the way to 51 plus 50, I have 101 fifty times, which is 5,050.”
The teacher decided then that this child needed special tutoring. The boy was Karl Friedrich Gauss, and he became a great mathematician of the 19th century.
Gauss solved his problem when he asked himself the question, “What if there is a shortcut?” Two of the most powerful words I know are “what if.”
The solution to my problem, the way through a dilemma or the beginning of that next creative change in my life almost always starts when I decide that I am NOT locked in. “What if” questions release my imagination so I can better see what was hidden.
Imagination is everything. And what if I were to use the words “what if” more often? I can only imagine what might happen.
– Steve Goodier
Find Steve Goodier here:
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by editor | Mar 25, 2012 | Lifestyle
This summer, the latest trends in exercise have broken free from the constraints of complicated workouts, to focus on a simple and natural approach to getting fitter.
Matt Roberts, exercise expert and personal fitness instructor to stars including Naomi Campbell, Eva Longoria and Natalie Imbruglia, reveals the three big workouts for this spring:
Interval Training is the perfect way to burn calories, increase your heart rate and mix up your normal workout. Going off-road with ECCO’s new BIOM Trail, and alternating between fast runs and slower recovery time, will let you run as nature intended.
Building on the popularity of dynamic stretching trends, such as Yoga and Pilates, summer 2012 is the season of Core Mobility. If you do not give your stomach, sides and back the attention they need, then you are not building a strong foundation for your overall fitness. Ideally suited for the new lightweight ECCO BIOM Lite, this daily workout of low-intensity, dynamic stretches, such as The Superman, Reverse Leg Curls and Hip & Hamstring Flexes, will leave you feeling invigorated with improved posture, core stability and muscle tone.
Working out with friends is a fantastic way to keep motivated and make sure exercising is fun! Group Training is about getting together to create a work-out full of variety, and can include skipping, press-ups, burpees and quick feet ladder work. Indoors or out, it is a great way to inject some much-needed enthusiasm into your weekly routine.
by editor | Mar 24, 2012 | Lifestyle
- Bentley kicks off Aspen Fashion Week with extreme athlete, Ted Davenport, performing a dramatic ‘Winged-B’ sky dive from 3,000 feet to launch Aspen Fashion Week
- Slope-side drives of Bentley’s all-wheel drive Continental range
- See the action on the Bentley Motors YouTube channel at and
(Aspen, 14 March 2012)
Big-mountain town Aspen attracts a wintertime mix of fashionable ‘glitterati’ and adrenaline-fuelled athletes who test their skills on the famous ski slopes. This blend of luxury and performance proved the perfect backdrop for Bentley Motors to display its all-wheel drive model line-up alongside the very latest in winter fashion-wear being paraded on the runway at Aspen Fashion Week.
Bentley Motors launched its inaugural Aspen Fashion Week sponsorship with a spectacular sky-dive by extreme athlete and local resident, Ted Davenport, inspired by Bentley’s iconic ‘winged-B’ emblem. Launching himself from a helicopter at 3,000 feet, Davenport glided through the air while guests looked skyward in anticipation of his landing. He then deployed his Bentley-branded parachute over the runway, landing in nearby Wagner Park before taking a celebratory bow on the runway of Aspen Fashion Week alongside Bentley Motors Inc’s president & COO, Christophe Georges.
While Aspen Fashion Week is renowned for showing the latest winter fashions, Davenport wore a more utilitarian wingsuit to assist him during his daring high-speed descent.
“Bentley is known for pushing the limits of luxury and performance, so extreme athlete, Ted Davenport, was a fitting partner for presenting our sponsorship of Aspen Fashion Week,” said Georges.
During the course of the week-long event, Bentley hosted media and prospective customers with test drives of its all-wheel drive Continental model range. The 567-hp GT coupe, GTC convertible and Flying Spur sedan and the extreme 631-hp Supersports Convertible ISR (Ice Speed Record) all navigated the wintery conditions with ease.
Invited guests left town for the snow-covered grounds of T Lazy 7, a ranch where Bentley Driving instructors, flown in from the UK, drove guests at exhilarating high-speeds across a snowy meadow, specially created for the winter driving experience. While the Bentleys rapidly traversed the challenging course, the occupants remained safely cocooned in a luxurious cabin with hand-crafted leather, book-matched wood veneers, knurled stainless steel and heated seats.
For the perfect end to a day of winter driving and fashion, Bentley hosted a dinner at the Aspen Mountain Club. Perched atop Ajax Mountain, guests raised a glass of Krug as a toast to peak performance while watching a short film ‘In Search of Snow’ starring Red Bull extreme athlete, Chris Davenport. In the film, Davenport explores Colorado’s famed scenic and winding San Juan Skyway in a Bentley Continental GTC convertible.
Bentley’s Continental range is ideally suited for winter driving with its state-of-the-art, all-wheel drive system employing an advanced Torsen differential. This ensures safe yet dynamic sports car handling on all road surfaces and in all weather.
The power split for the all-wheel drive system has a 40:60 rear bias for sporting handling and spirited mid-corner acceleration. However, it can adjust the power split instantaneously between the front and rear wheels depending on the available grip. The sophisticated Electronic Stability Control (ESC) system provides additional security and grip whatever the driving style.
In February 2011, Finnish motorsport legend Juha Kankkunen, driving the all-wheel drive Continental Supersports Convertible on the frozen Baltic Sea, achieved an astonishing speed of 205.48 mph (330.695 km/h) eclipsing his own ice speed record of 199.83 mph (321.6 km/h) set in 2007 in the original Continental GT
by editor | Mar 24, 2012 | Lifestyle
THURSDAY 15th MARCH 2012 – ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO USA: Felix Baumgartner, the Austrian BASE jumper aiming to break the world freefall record by jumping from 120,000ft above the earth’s surface, moved a step closer to achieving his dream today after the successful completion of a test flight from 71,581 ft. (21,818 metres).
Still-to-be-confirmed figures indicate that at 09:40am MT after an ascent lasting about 1 hour and 30 minutes at a rate reaching speeds of 1,200 ft. per minute, the Red Bull Stratos capsule and a modified version of the balloon reached its top manned altitude of 71,581 ft. above the earth’s surface. The height of Felix’s test flight was significant as it was the first time he passed the Armstrong Line of approximately 63,000ft, where the atmospheric pressure truly tests Felix’s custom- made space suit.
Felix then ran through his 39-step safety checklist before manually depressurizing the capsule, opening the door and stepping off the external platform. Felix reached a top speed of 364.4 miles per hour and continued to freefall for a total of three minutes and 43 seconds. Felix then deployed his parachute at 7,890ft. above sea level before landing safely back on earth about 30 miles from the original launch site.
Felix spent a total of about eight minutes and eight seconds in the air from launch to touchdown. Upon landing, Felix was met by a retrieval team who gave him a thorough medical check before transporting him back to the launch site. Once Felix was safely retrieved, Mission Control triggered the release of the balloon from the capsule and both returned back to earth for technical evaluation.
The successful test flight marks a significant milestone in the development of the project, as it offered the team the opportunity to test Felix’s reaction to the dangers and hazards he is likely to face during his record attempt. As well as crossing the Armstrong Line, the test allowed Felix to freefall from twice the height of his own personal record of 30,000ft and allowed him to put into practice strategies that he has devised to cope with the inherent hazards of the flight. The test flight also allowed Felix to experience rapid acceleration during freefall, the first time he has experienced these conditions at such altitude.
As well as preparing Felix for the conditions he is likely to experience during the record attempt, Felix’s suit, capsule and balloon were also exposed to the elements that they will have to withstand during the record attempt. The first 1,000 feet of the ascent allowed the Red Bull Stratos team to ensure that the initial launch from earth was successful with the entire 71,581ft. flight allowing the technical team to observe how Felix’s suit and capsule performed in temperatures as low as minus 94 degrees F (70 degrees C).
Felix Baumgartner is preparing to try and break Joe Kittinger’s 52-year-old record for the highest freefall when he jumps from 120,000ft above the earth’s surface. Felix’s world record attempt will take place in Roswell, New Mexico and is currently scheduled to take place in the summer of 2012
by editor | Mar 24, 2012 | Lifestyle
Lack of product knowledge could lead to long term liver damage in children. Only a quarter (27%) of parents surveyed say they know which medicinal products for children do or do not contain Paracetamol.

New research released today by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), reveals that in some cases, up to two thirds of parents are unaware that commonly used products such as Disprol (68%), Medised (79%) and Medinol (76%) contain paracetamol. Additionally, with many of these products being used to treat ailments that they have no proven effect on, there is a danger that some children could be suffering long term liver damage through paracetamol misuse.
The survey revealed only 27% of parents know which products they are aware of for children contain paracetamol. And althoughparents are mostly using products containing paracetamol correctly for a number of conditions in young children aged 12 or under – including teething pains (70%), fever (80%) and stomach pains (29%) – the findings also show that some parents are using these same products to treat ailments which paracetamol has no effect on, such as coughs, runny noses, travel sickness and over-tiredness.
Whilst taking paracetamol at the recommended dose and frequency is safe, misuse or incorrect dosage could lead to health problems for children, and in some cases, to accidental overdose – which is even more concerning, as the survey also revealed that only a third (33%) of parents said they were aware of the symptoms connected to an accidental overdose of paracetamol.
Many parents perceive over-the-counter medicines containing paracetamol as being ‘safe drugs’ to give to children and unlikely to cause harm. Yet with 95 over-the-counter products containing paracetamol currently available from pharmacists in the UK, and with almost a quarter (24%) of parents in Britain admitting to giving their child two or more over-the-counter products containing paracetamol to treat a minor ailment, there is a danger of long term liver damage if products are taken together on an on-going base without seeking professional advice.
This lack of awareness on which products contain paracetamol – along with, in many cases, confusion amongst parents on what is the safe dose of paracetamol for children – has led to the Royal Pharmaceutical Society to urge all parents seek advice from a healthcare professional or pharmacist on the correct use of paracetamol products for young children and also learn of some of the potential dangers and symptoms of accidental paracetamol overdose.