by Editor | Sep 25, 2014 | News, Slider
27th September 2014
Showtime Productions presents…
A wonderful concert by well known singers from Singing for Pleasure with specially invited guest performers.
An exciting programme of favourite songs from West End & Broadway Shows and popular classical songs.
One performance only!
at 2.30pm – Tickets £10
Includes delicious cream cakes and refreshments. Discounts for groups, children and senior citizens.
Songs from my Fair Lady inc; With a little bit of luck, Get me to the church on time, I could have danced all night. Andrew LLoyd Webber songs inc; music of the night. And a huge variety inc; Who wants to be a millionaire, No business like show Business, over 30 songs for your enjoyment!
Fundraising on the day supporting the Martlets Hospice
Bishop Hannington Church, Nevill Avenue, Hove
Box Office: 01273 555089 [email protected] • Sponsored by: Streamline Taxis tel. 01273 20 20 20 / 747474
by Editor | Jun 3, 2013 | Press Releases
Press release: How to solve the crisis in A&E, and reduce health inequalities 3.6.13
Since 1.4.13, when the Health and Social Care Act 2012 took effect, the responsibility for the NHS passed from central to local government. The present crisis in A&E is therefore the responsibility of every elected councillor of every Local Authority. They should act through the new committees created for that purpose, namely their Health and Wellbeing Boards.
The chairmen of the new Clinical Commissioning Boards (CCGs) sit on this committee ex officio, and they have the power to do this, as they control about 2/3 of the NHS budget (£65 bn pa nationally, and £400 mpa locally in the city of Brighton and Hove) Councillors can solve the crisis in A&E by telling their CCGs to do what Prince Charles told the World Health Organisation conference 8 years ago (in May 2005) and integrate into the NHS the best of complementary therapy.
Polls show 3 out of 4 patients want complementary therapy (such as yoga classes) free on the NHS, and 1 out of 2 GPs suggest they try it. However, the patient has to pay, which most cannot afford. This is the cause of health inequalities. The rich get complementary therapy, and learn how to live healthily, but the poor cannot afford it, so on average suffer long term conditions 18 years before the rich, and die 9 years earlier, as found by the Marmot report in 2010.
This paper proposes a scheme in which the GPs can prescribe training courses (such as the Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) 8 week course, which is NICE-recommended for depression) in the form of a voucher. Patients can trade it for a free course where it is now provided by the third sector, and the facilitator can claim the value from the commissioners in arrears, (as pharmacists now do for drugs.)
Problem. The NHS system is broke
Aneurin Bevan’s promise that the state would look after everyone from the cradle to the grave by giving away free treatment (mainly drugs) has not worked, as public health has declined, as 1 in 4 of us (15 million) now have at least one long term condition. Last year, GPs wrote a billion monthly prescriptions, which implies that half the population are on 3 drugs continuously, the second to counteract the side effects of the first, and the third to counteract the side effects of the second. Unless in emergency patients have to wait a fortnight for an appointment to see their GP, and patients now have to wait 12 hour at A&E.
Solution. Allow GPs to prescribe courses which give patients self help tools to prevent, heal and cure their conditions.
The solution lies in the word ‘doctor’, which comes from the latin verb ‘doctare’, meaning ‘to teach.’ Doctors’ original function in society was to teach people how to live healthily, but this was hijacked by the drug companies, for whom they have become pill pushers. GPs should revert to their original function as teachers, by prescribing NICE-recommended courses which teach self help techniques to prevent, heal and cure dis-eases and long term conditions.
The Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) 8 week course is NICE-recommended for depression (CG232004, and CG123 May 2011) This is clinically indicated for one in three patients presenting with anxiety. Transport for London provide it for their sick staff, and have thereby reduced their staff absence rate by 73%. It is provided free on the NHS, but unless you are suicidal, the waiting time is excessive, so GPs cannot readily prescribe it.
Under the NHS constitution, patients have the statutory right to NICE-recommended treatments (including the MBCT course) if their doctor says it is clinically appropriate. Theoretically, the MBCT course is clinically appropriate for the 160,000 patients in Sussex who are depressed. However, the old Primary Care Trust (PCT) only commissioned about 8,000 patient places pa of MBCT courses, which means that the waiting time for a course for depressed patients s 160,000/8,000= 20 years.
To enable GPs to prescribe a MBCT course as easily as Prozac, and for the patient to obtain a course within a few weeks, the CCG should create a voucher system by which the patient could cash the prescription with and private provider of the MBCT course. There are many of these in every town, and they are providing them like evening classes for between £150 and £370 per client.
I have created a company called Social Enterprise Complementary Therapy Company (SECTCo) to provide this voucher scheme in Brighton and Hove. For further details, see, and sections 9.56,9.57, and 9.59, or contact John Kapp, 22, Saxon Rd Hove BN3 4LE, 01273 417997, [email protected], after 10.6.13.
by Editor | Oct 19, 2012 | Communities, Press Releases
Forget All Your Troubles &
Sing! Sing! Sing!
Singing for Pleasure have just opened
their 4th Brighton Singing group in Patcham

Following the success of their other 3 singing groups Simon, Robert and Corinne opened their 4th Singing group in Patcham Brighton on 18th oct 2012
Everyone of all ages and singing abilities are welcome to join Singing for Pleasure.
Singing for pleasure has now opened in Patcham providing another great opportunity to sing your hearts out for pleasure for health & for charity. Just come along and join us every Thursday at the Methodist Church Hall Ladies Mile Road. No need to read music, no auditions and don’t worry if you think you can’t sing, as part of the sessions Simon gets everyone in tune with some easy and fun singing exercises. Sing for Pleasure is a very sociable and friendly group. Come along from 2pm-3pm each Thursday. Call Corinne or Robert on 01273 555089 for More Information
What exactly is “Singing for Pleasure”?
It’s just that, “Singing for Pleasure” everyone comes a long and has fun, once Simon gets playing there’s not a long face in the room. No one is listening or looking at anyone else, so there’s no need to be shy, just let rip and sing to your hearts content.
Singing for pleasure has now opened in Patcham providing another great
opportunity to sing your hearts out for pleasure for health & for charity come
along and join us every Thursday at the Methodist Church Hall Ladies Mile Road
no need to read music no auditions don’t worry if you can’t sing we are a very
sociable and friendly group from 2pm-3pm tel for Information Corinne or Robert
01273 555089
Fantastic Health benefits as well!
Apart from making everyone feel great, there are even more health benefits with Singing for Pleasure.
- Reduce stress and improve mood
- Lower blood pressure
- Boost the immune system
- Improve breathing
- Reduce perceived pain
- Improve a sense of rhythm
- Promote learning in children
- Forge comforting memories
- Promote communal bonding
- Provide comfort
- Motivate and empower
Simon the Conductor and Musical director of
“Singing for Pleasure”.
Your in great hands with Simon!
Simon Gray, conductor and musical director of Singing for Pleasure, studied at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama and enjoys a varied musical career encompassing a wide range of musical styles from pantomime and children’s shows to opera and the concert platform.
He was principal conductor for both Regency Opera and English Festival Opera and has made guest appearances with European Chamber Opera, and English Country Garden Opera as well as many smaller companies.
He has conducted concerts at the Royal Festival Hall, The Royal Albert Hall, Queen Elizabeth Hall and St John’s Smith Square as well as many other venues around the UK. He has conducted opera and major touring musicals, as well as West End shows and has musically directed pantomimes with a host of stars.
In 2007 year he had the honour to conduct the 200th anniversary celebration of The Theatre Royal, Brighton.
In 2008 & 2009 Simon was invited to Norway where he took up a position as Choir Master on board the MS Midnatsol as she cruised the Norwegian coastline. Performing beneath the Northern Lights is a wonderful experience!
You can find out more about Simon at his website
Robert and Corinne Blass
Robert and Corinne have been involved in show groups for over 30 years having produced big Musical shows in Brighton over the last 10 years raising over £150 000 for local charities.
They both organise all the Singing for Pleasure events, joining in with the singing as well as assisting all the members of the four groups.
Where to find Singing for Pleasure.
You can find the Singing Groups at the following venues:
Tuesday daytime sessions take place at
St Phillip’s Church Hall,
New Church road,
Hove, BN3 4BB.
View Google Map
Wednesday daytime sessions take place at the
Methodist Church Hall,
Southwick Street,
Southwick, BN42 2NA.
View Google Map
Wednesday evening sessions are at
St Leonard’s Church Hall,
Glebe Villas,
Hove, BN3 5SN.
View Google Map
Thursday afternoon sessions are at the
Methodist Church Hall,
Ladies Mile Road,
Patcham, BN1 8QE.
View Google Map
Open to all aged 15 or over.
[mappress mapid=”11″]
Tuesday afternoons at St Phillip’s Church Hall.
- Doors open 2.00pm
- Singing from 2.20pm to 3.20pm
Wednesday afternoons at Southwick Methodist Church Hall.
- Doors open 2.00pm
- Singing from 2.45pm to 4.00pm
Wednesday evenings at St Leonard’s Church Hall.
- Doors open 5.30pm
- Singing from 5.50pm to 6.50pm
- NEW! Classical section will follow the main singing session.
NEW! Thursday afternoons at Patcham Methodist Church Hall.
- From 18th October 2012
- Doors open 1.45pm
- Singing from 2.00pm
- Trial session just £3.50.
- Course of 10 classes for only £5 each.
- Regular single session fee £7.00.
For more information call Robert or Corinne on 01273 555089
Or use the form below to Send us a Message
or Request a Call Back.
[contact-form-7 id=”3452″ title=”Roberts Singing 1″]
by Editor | Aug 7, 2012 | Press Releases
Brighton’s AVT discovers there’s something about Berlin…
Germany is synonymous with technical excellence and it’s where the beloved, slightly overused phrase Vorsprung durch Technik originates, which depending on its context means “advancement through technology” or, as Audi’s highly recognised slogan since the 80s would have you believe, “competitive edge”.
No surprise then that Berlin, the cool, cultural capital of Germany, should be up there as an epicentre for digital media activity, especially for the 8 days when their “Berlin / Web / Week” sees thousands of digital professionals descend on the city. This event alone propels Berlin to the top of the European festival landscape for the digital scene.
Last month, AVT Connect carried out no less than 3 webcasts in Berlin. All for the pharmaceutical industry and all were handling really sensitive information that needed to be shared as far as possible between their members, doctors and other medical professionals.
Firstly, there was ISHAM (International Society for Human & Animal Mycology) a worldwide organisation that represents all clinical scientists and fundamental researchers with an interest in fungal diseases. The aims of the organisation are to facilitate on an international basis the exchange of ideas and information including the publishing of journals and research.
The actual event was held at the Berlin Congress Centre, a state-of-the-art environment with ultra-modern equipment right down to the robotic video recording facilities. Eager to get their hands on this equipment AVT’s technicians liaised with the Centre’s technical team whose thorough knowledge and attention to detail made them a pleasure to work with. The content was captured seamlessly and successfully and will be delivered to a select audience via an on-demand webcast.
The next webcast was from EULAR, the European League Against Rheumatism. This is a massive congress attended by over 10,000 people and is sponsored by Abbott and GE Healthcare. Held in the ICC Berlin, this congress tackles all the issues and latest developments regarding rheumatism. AVT Connect were on hand to film various talks and webcast them to a wider audience. The webcasts were then put on GE Healthcare’s website for on-demand viewing.
Finally, there was TREG, The Rheumatology Education Group which is a think tank of key opinion leaders in the world of rheumatology who get together once a year to discuss the latest developments. This happens after the EULAR congress so the attendees can disseminate what they learnt there. Here AVT filmed the various discussions which took place in large groups and in smaller one-to-one sessions as well. Some of the discussions were live webcast to encourage participation from interested parties that were unable to attend.
For each webcast AVT Connect built a VMP (Virtual Meeting Platform) within which video and slide content as well as functions such as interactive Q&A, audience polling and multiple choice testing are combined in a single client branded console. This enabled virtual participants to benefit from many of the advantages that a physical attendee would enjoy, from the comfort of their own PC or mobile device at a time to suit them. Here are case studies and examples of recent webcasts.

by Editor | Jun 19, 2012 | Press Releases
Brighton residents in danger of missing the best solar opportunity
‘‘Brighton residents have less than two months to benefit from generous Government solar subsidies’’, says Kevin Power, director of Brighton solar company Kraft Renewable Energy.
On August 1st 2012, the Government’s
Solar Feed in Tariff will decrease by 25%, from 21p to 16p per kWh unit. The length of period that the subsidy will be paid will also reduce from 25 to 20 years. On the positive side the export tariff (paid to residents by Energy providers for 50% of the electricity they create) will rise from 3.2p to 4.5p per kWh unit.
By installing solar panels before 1st August, Brighton residents could benefit from an additional £5,000 in savings.
Below we explain the two different scenarios before and after the Solar Feed in Tariff changes on 1st August 2012.
Solar Installation before 1st August 2012
If home owners install solar before the 1st August, Kraft Renewable Energy estimates the current Feed in Tariff can generate an income of £16,115 over 25 years, index linked for inflation. On top of that customers could save up to £4,646 through cutting their electricity bills, more as prices increase, which is very likely. Using an example solar installation cost of £8,500, residents could make back over £20,000.
Solar Installation after 1st August 2012
If home owners install solar after August 1st, Kraft Renewable Energy estimates the revised Feed in Tariff will generate an income of £11,085 over 20 years, index linked for inflation. On top of that customers could save up to £3,948 via cutting their electricity bills. Using again the example solar installation cost of £8,500, residents could make back over £15,033.
Kevin advises Brighton residents to get in touch as soon as possible to discuss Solar further.
Kraft Renewable Energy provides a complete
solar installation service starting with a free solar suitability survey. They promise to give customers a straight forward, honest appraisal on the solar potential for their home. They can also conduct a detailed Energy Efficiency Survey including an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). This is free of charge for any homeowner who decides to install solar with Kraft Renewable Energy.
Contact Kevin on 0800 298 0259, at
[email protected] or visit the showroom at: Kraft Renewable Energy, 72 Warren Road, Woodingdean, Brighton, BN2 6BA
by Editor | May 22, 2012 | Press Releases
Sussex Solar Panel Centre Opens in Brighton

Sussex Solar Panel centre opens in Brighton. Our new renewable energy centre in Brighton showcases the very latest energy saving and Solar PV products.
Kraft Renewable Energy is a friendly new Sussex Solar and Energy Saving company. The centre is dedicated to helping you find the most effective ways to save and make energy, and reduce your household carbon footprint too.
Advice on Saving Energy
According to leading utilities comparison service uSwitch, there has been a whopping 90% increase in energy prices in the last 6 years!
It’s definitely time to take control of your home energy. At the Kraft Renewable Energy centre, you can find out the best ways for saving energy at home: including loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, energy saving bulbs, energy monitors and meters. You can also get advice and information on the latest Government incentives available, such as the new Green Deal and solar panel feed-in-tariffs, to help future-proof their homes against ever-rising utility costs.
Energy advice and services are available on:
- Green energy generation: Kraft Renewable Energy offers a customised solar installation and monitoring service
- Insulation: including loft, flat roof, cavity wall and internal/external solid wall insulation
- Draught proofing and other ways to save energy including cylinder jackets and thermostats
- Energy efficient lighting and a range of other low cost, low energy devices
- Heating controls
- Smart metering and much more…
Kraft Renewable Energy offers a thorough home energy survey service to analyse a property’s energy performance and identify the best energy efficient measures to reduce waste and save money.
Solar Installation Sussex
Kraft Renewable Energy provides a customer-focussed solar panel installation service in Brighton and Sussex. At our renewable energy centre, you can see a solar installation in action, as well as discover the best in smart solar metering technology.
We provides a free comprehensive solar panel survey, to first assess the suitability your home for solar power and then to create the perfect fit for it. Kraft Renewable Energy is not aligned with any one solar panel supplier and can therefore create tailored solutions to fit individual budgets and deliver maximum energy and investment return.
Install Solar before July 2012
Getting a solar installation before July 2012 will allow suitable homes to take advantage of the current higher government ‘feed-in-tariff’ rates, paid on solar power generated:
- 21p Generation Tariff for each unit (or kWh) generated, whether used in the home or not. A well-positioned, averaged-sized (2.5kW) solar PV system can generate 2,200-plus units a year
- 3.1p additional Export Tariff for each unit of surplus electricity exported to the National Grid (estimated at 50% of total electricity generated)
The ‘feed in tariff’ system provides an excellent return on investment, it is index linked and guaranteed for 25 years.
Kevin Power, Managing Director, Kraft Renewable Energy says: “The aim of our new renewable energy centre in Brighton is to give people the knowledge to make the right choices for their homes and make major long-term savings on their energy bills. We’re passionate about green energy and energy efficiency, and want to get people thinking about how they can reduce their carbon footprint and help protect our shared environment for the future.”
If that’s got you thinking why you don’t come in for a chat?
Or go to Website
by Editor | Mar 28, 2012 | Events, News
AVT’s Diamond Do: Gatwick Diamond Business Awards go Funky
2012 marks the fourth year of the Gatwick Diamond Business Awards and the GDBA (Gatwick Diamond Business Association) pulled out all the stops to host a Black Tie event that will be talked about for years to come.
The awards ceremony has doubled in size since the first event in 2009 and the GDBA wanted a ceremony that would extend beyond the night itself and cement its reputation as one of the regions premier business occasions. The awards are run as a not-for-profit event and proceeds are invested back into promoting and supporting local issues and making sure the organisation is run by the members for the members. Gatwick Airport, Santander and PwC LLP were this year’s headline sponsors.
AVT Connect are delighted to have been involved in the continued success and growth of the event, working in partnership with the GBDA to produce a successful and exciting event that this year included live relay and a post event video.
Rory Bremner was this years’ presenter and managed quite simply to captivate the audience. Many a belly laugh ensured that the ceremony was highly entertaining and will most certainly be talked about by everyone in attendance.
Building on the success of last years event, the GDBA again booked the Copthorne Hotel Effingham Gatwick to accommodate the increased number of 600 guests in the “Millenium Suite”. The adjoining “Bentley Suite” provided the perfect location for an after show party and 70’s disco; AVT themed the area to provide the perfect dancing experience.
Jeremy Taylor, Director of GDBA, decided to have a 70’s funk-themed after-party saying, “Award ceremonies always end too early. Just as everyone is starting to enjoy themselves it’s time to go. As well as being a chance to commend exceptional business practice in Sussex, the awards are always a fantastic occasion for our members to get together, meet other members, socialise and network. We felt that it shouldn’t be limited to just the table they are sitting at.”
AVT were responsible for designing and producing the awards ceremony and after-party including the stage setting, projection, sound, and lighting equipment, themed disco and filming, all managed, expertly by their high-calibre technical team. Also provided was a 3-camera set-up with live relay as well capturing vox-pop interviews with guests, award-winners, sponsors and judges.
A post event video will provide first hand testimony by this year’s participants as to why organisations should get involved in this great awards scheme, and will shortly be available on GDBA’s website.
The evening was an enormous success and AVT would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the winners for their achievements and the Gatwick Diamond Business Association on yet again upping the ante and organising such a spectacular awards ceremony.
by Editor | Dec 3, 2011 | Events, Press Releases
AVT Connects with London’s Inovation Hub

AVT Connect, Brighton-based live event and digital media communications specialist with over 35 years industry experience, is delighted to be expanding its operation into London, opening a new office in the creative media and technology heart of Clerkenwell EC1.
“Our HQ is in Brighton, a creative and innovative city and it’s great to now have an office in a similarly innovative and exciting area in London”, explains Jon Fox, CEO. “Following our re-brand last year and continuing expansion & growth into a fully integrated live event & digital media agency we need to be at the heart of world-leading innovation hubs”.
The new London office is situated in a beautiful 19th century building once owned by Pink Floyd and used as their recording studio! Based at 1 Sekforde Street in Clerkenwell Green Conservation area, it’s shared by a number of creative companies.
Communal spaces feature funky, hi-tec meeting areas, including a circular beanbag meeting room to encourage brainstorming, collaboration and think tanks. London clients are delighted that AVT will be on hand for planning, recces, consultancy and production meetings.
Outstanding London projects include live webcasting of Boris Johnson’s “State of London debate”, video work for HSBC, a virtual product launch for Bentley and AV services at conferences and awards. AVT has also provided European technical delivery and consultancy for agency partners and membership, finance and medical organisations.
AVT continues to deliver exceptional communications for Sussex clients and are preferred suppliers at many prestigious Brighton venues including the newly opened American Express Community Stadium, home of Brighton & Hove Albion FC.
Recent projects include event production at the Flash on the Beach conference at the Brighton Dome, the Argus Achievement Awards at the Theatre Royal, a live webcast for Caterpillar at the Ropetackle Centre in Shoreham by Sea and video production for Sharpstream.
AVT is looking forward to 2012 and producing ever more relevant, innovative, high impact communications for clients in Sussex, London and the South East, throughout the UK and across the globe.
by editor | Sep 8, 2011 | News
The number of homeless people in the UK has risen by 17%, according to the latest figures released today by the government.
The statistics, released by the Department for Communities and Local Government, measured the rate of homelessness between April and June this year.
Read more at the Independant:
by Editor | Sep 8, 2011 | Events, Media, News, Web Design
Flash on the Beach – Reinforcing Brighton’s Status as a Digital Hub & Destination
8th September 2011, Brighton Dome, part of the Royal Pavilion Estate, will host Flash on the Beach (FOTB) from 11th-14th September 2011. FOTB is an annual international design & technology conference and will be a platform for the leading minds in the industry to share knowledge, educate and inspire.
Organised by John Davey, MD of Develop Ltd, this high-profile digital community conference includes close to 60 speakers for three days of design, code, inspiration and networking for designers, developers and artists.
To find out more about the Flash on the Beach conference ticket booking & sponsorship contact:
John Davey, Managing Director
020 8770 0990 / [email protected] /
To find out more about booking an event at Brighton Dome contact:
Donna Miller, Senior Conference & Event Manager
01273 261 524 / [email protected] /
To find out more about the Brighton Digital Festival please contact:
Penny Schroder-Smith or Vicki Hughes, Fugu PR
01273 550 995 / [email protected]/
To find out more about AVT Connect’s live event & digital media capabilities please contact:
Steve Affleck, Marketing & Communications Manager
01273 299 001 / 020 7515 1999; [email protected] /
by Editor | Dec 31, 2010 | Press Releases
My name is Camila Hayter, I’m a interior designer that joined effort and skills with my husband Gio Hayter a Fine artist and we have now opened Eklectica Eco living in Western Road Brighton, this is our secound outlet, the first in Arundel, West Sussex.
Eklectica Eco Living is a shop that sells eco products that goes from gifts, clothes, jewelery to big items of furniture and soft furnishing as well as promoting art with functions of art exibhitions.
Eklectica has a unique range of high quality art, craft and furniture sourced from the corners of the globe. Working with skilled artisans who combine ancient techniques of production, we have modern designs and sustainable natural resources. So the exquisite hand-made furniture, lighting, gifts and household items blend together the best of design and fairtrade.
Eklectica main idea is to help turn interior spaces into something exciting with real character.
We also offer free interior and art consultations to our clients so that they can make the very best use of their purchase.
They aim to reduce the gap between the functional and artistic guaranteeing an imaginative edge in everything we offer.
Eklectica Eco Living is located on 28 Western Road, BN3 1AF.
by Editor | Dec 18, 2010 | Press Releases
Micarmo is dedicated to bringing the authentic tastes of Portuguese cuisine to the UK.
With this in mind, all food and drink is sourced and imported from around Portugal, as the best way to experience these traditional flavours is with the ingredients and production techniques from the country and location of origin.
The company is managed by Alexandre Ratzke De Figueiredo who has been involved in the Hospitality & Catering trade for many years.
Enabling customers to enjoy the authentic taste of Portugal throughout the year, the company supplies local people with a range of Portuguese food and drink. With the option for free home delivery and list of locations selling Micarmo products, the service is designed to allow locals to enjoy the flavours of Portuguese cuisine at any time, be it at home or on the high street.
Predominantly wholesale suppliers to cafés, corner shops, hotels or restaurants, as well as supplying to catering companies in Brighton and Hove and the surrounding area. Micarmo can also be found at local food markets, as well as offering home delivery to the public for functions like office parties, friends gatherings or children’s birthdays.
The businesses supplies a wide range of Portuguese food and drink products that are imported from Portugal and are supplied fresh or frozen, making them suitable for customers to keep and consume when desired, and are available direct from Micarmo or any listed retailer.
Range of products includes Patisserie (Sweet and Savoury), Cakes, Bread and Charcuterie and several types of alcohol such as wines and liqueurs.
Micarmo are the only suppliers of these Portuguese foods and drink in Brighton and Hove.
Alexandre De Figueiredo
The Authentic Taste Of Portugal
Tel: 01273732903
by Editor | Nov 23, 2010 | Business Listings, Press Releases
ActAble Academy
Drama classes ages 4-18
Monday evenings at Hanover Community Centre
– Make friends
– Learn new skills
– Boost Confidence
– Play drama games
– Create performances
– Have a whole lot of fun
Also on offer is the chance to learn specialist skills from visiting tutors, take part in drama festivals and exams, theatre trips and so much more!
[email protected]
by Editor | Nov 22, 2010 | Press Releases
Brighton POD launched
New Website Showcases the Freshest Products You Won’t See on the High Street
22nd November 2010,
Brighton: Promoting Original Design (POD) announces the launch of its new
website today, which aims to hunt high and low to unearth the most
unique products from some of the most original and exciting designers working in the UK today,
providing them with a platform to connect with customers that would previously be out of reach.
Founded by Robin Rothwell in 2009 as a response to his own frustration at not being able to
effectively market and showcase his own work as an independent designer, the company is now
home to more than 500 products from over 100 designers.
Trudging through shopping centres from franchise to franchise trying to find that special gift to
express individuality to a loved one at Christmas can test good will to all men and drain the festive
spirit quicker than a cheap Christmas tree drops its needles. Brighton POD is the place to go for
customers to secure ownership of a diplodocus lamp, a proper old school trimphone and a kitsch
cuckoo clock. Everything is attractively priced and is a good alternative to the ‘everyone’s-got-that
stuff’ on the high street.
“In the quest for faster and more convenient products”, many of the values that helped create and
nurture Britain’s rich tradition of independent craftsmanship are being forgotten,” explains the Brighton
based furniture designer. “POD was developed to connect the country’s diverse community of small
craftspeople and designers with discerning and ethically-minded consumers. Original products made
by independent designers bring joy and beauty into our lives. We keep them for longer because we
attach more value to them. At POD we showcase the best of British design talent providing an
alternative to the corporate offerings that often favour transient ‘needs’ over quality and originality.”
For more information or to browse through Brighton POD’s range please visit

by Editor | Nov 22, 2010 | Media, News
Warrants were also executed in Hereford and Brighton, but no arrests made. Documentation seized A woman and a man, both aged 46, were arrested in Ferndale Road, Swindon, and a 41-year-old man was arrested at Firecrest View in the town.
by Editor | Nov 22, 2010 | Media, News
Steven Dunne, of Chates Farm Court, Brighton, thought Gordon Stalker, 51, was controlling his mind and he could only be freed by killing him. Dunne, 41, admitted manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
by Editor | Nov 22, 2010 | Media, News
Firefighters were called to a ground floor flat in Queens Park, Brighton, at 2028 GMT on Wednesday. East Sussex Fire and Rescue said the incident happened after the man had refilled the burner with bioethanol.
by Editor | Nov 22, 2010 | Media, News
Visually impaired world judo champion Ben Quilter accepts the Sports Personality of the Year award at the Sussex Sports Awards Brighton judo player Ben Quilter won the Sports Personality of the Year award at the 2010 Sussex Sports Awards. World champion Quilter, who is visually impaired, was…
by Editor | Nov 22, 2010 | Media, News
Painter has been an ever-present in the League for Brighton this season Brighton left-back Marcos Painter says they will be able to cope without winger Kazenga LuaLua. The 19-year-old’s loan spell with the Seagulls from Newcastle has been cut short after he broke his ankle against Hartlepool last…
by Editor | Nov 22, 2010 | Media, News
FC United of Manchester, who overcame League One Rochdale, will play Brighton, who beat Woking on penalties. Ties will be played on the weekend of 27 and 28 November.